Chapter Thirty Two

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"Are you relaxed yet?" Shawn questions as I lay on a massage table. "Watch your hands," he warns the male Masseuse.

"Yeah," I whisper back. His hands massage around my bump and back relieving tension everywhere.

"I can teach you," he tell Shawn.

"Alright," he shrugs. Both of their hands run all over my body increasing the pleasure I feel. "Did you enjoy that?" Shawn asks as we walk back to the car.

"Mhm," I kiss his cheek. "Thank you," I smile kissing his lips gently.

"I'd do anything for you my love," he smiles. I hold his hand and fiddle with the run he wares on his finger as we begin driving home. "Do you like my ring?" He chuckles.

"Mhm, it's nice and it looks cute on you," I giggle.

"Maybe I'll get you one for Christmas, well your birthday I guess?" He furrows his eyebrows. "I'm gonna get you a present for both your birthday and Christmas." He shrugs.

"But babe," I pout. "I don't need any presents for either, I have you and you gave me Adam and that's all of the gift I need," I kiss his hand.

"What so I'm not a gift?" He scoffs. "Don't act like I'm not amazing because you know I am," he flips his hair.

"I know and you are more then a gift to me. I love you," I smile. It's amazing how quickly that moment ended. I truck t boned us on my side.

"Reese," he warned. He turned the wheel which spun the car but did nothing. We both screamed and soon shattered glass was everywhere.

"Hi baby," he speaks to me from a chair he positioned next to the bed.

"Hi?" I look around confused until quickly realization hits. I place my hands on my still existing bump and feel him kick making me sigh loudly as a response.

"They say he didn't get hurt," he explains while still looking at the floor. "I didn't get hurt either." He sniffs and wipes his eyes. "I'm so sorry," he whispers.

"It was not your fault," I gasp and grab his hands in mine. "You had no control over what happened. I'm just glad that you and Adam are ok," I explain pulling him towards me. "Can I have a kiss?" I giggle.

"Stop this is serious," he looks up at me. "I could've gotten you killed," he crosses his arms.

"It's not your fault," I shake my head. "It is the fault of whoever was driving the truck," I explain.

"It is my fault because the truck driver was Taylor, and they were trying to kill you and the baby," he sighs. "If I want to keep you safe," he whisper placing his head against mine.

"Don't say it," I shake my head.

"I have to leave you," his voice is more then muffled as he tries to explain to me why. "I do love you though alright. You are a smart, beautiful and independent and I can guarantee that you will be able to find someone who can support and love you as much me." He whispers kissing my cheek.

"But I don't want someone else to love me as much as you, I just want you," I croak letting the first tear fall.

"I want to be with you princess I do and I would love to be but I want to keep you safe, I asked my parents about the arrangement and they said it would be the right thing to do and Ian even thinks so." He smiles weakly. "I'll always be a phone call away alright? And I promise I won't miss his birth and I will be there on your birthday," he kisses my forehead.

"A-are you gonna leave me now?" I let the second tear fall.

"Yeah princess I will," he hugs me. "Here," he pulls something out of his pocket and slips it onto my finger. "It's a promise ring because I promise I'm gonna come back to you," he whispers. "And I promise I'm always gonna be there for you even if you just need someone to talk to, and I promise that through everything when baby Adam arrives," he kisses my cheek. "I will kill the boys if they try to keep me away from my family," he whisper in my ear sitting on the bed in front of me. "I'll sit with you until Ian comes," he nods weakly.

"Y-you can't leave me," I swallow down the tears. "Y-you're all I have," I let tears slip.

"You've got Ian love," he runs his fingers through my hair.

"But Ian isn't you," I whisper hugging him and taking in his familiar scent one last time as Ian walks through the door.

"Don't forget that I love you," he whispers. "And that you will be totally fine on your own for a bit," he presses his lips against mine for what would be the last time for a few weeks. "Goodbye Reese," he pulls away and moves away from me.

Shawn's POV

I slowly walk out of her room.

"I did it," I huff looking at he guys. "Are you happy?" I cross my arms listening to the sobs of the love of my life.

"No you were supposed to tell her you wanted nothing to do with the baby." Aaron huffs.

"Please don't make me give up my baby," I beg. "Please, I already gave up my girlfriend," I swallow.

"Go tell her that you don't want the baby either or you and your little family will suffer," Matt growls. I wipe my eyes.

"Reese," I walk back through the doors and she looks hopefully towards me. "I've changed my mind, about Adam." He face drops. "I don't want him, i don't really want anything to do with him anymore. You can send me a picture when he's born or something but I won't be helping you parent," I shrug.

"What happened to you?" She gasps. "For the past month you've only been telling me how excited you were for the arrival of our baby and now you don't want him?" She crosses her arms and takes the ring off. "I don't want anything to do with you," she throws the ring at me.

"Please?" I swallow picking it up. She crosses her arms and turns the other way.

"Get out," she sniffs. "I'll raise him by myself," she replies simply as I slowly walk towards her.

"I promise," I put the ring on the night stand next to her bed. Slowly I walk out slumped over.

"Good," they smile. "You can leave now," they shrug walking out. I make sure that each of them leaves before I do, so I can assure Reese and Adam will be safe during their hospital stay.

-----at his house-----

"Oh Shawn," my mother hugs me against her shoulder in attempt to make me feel better while running her hands over my back.

"A-and them I had to tell her I-I didn't want to be in Adams life and n-now she h-hates m-me." I stutter and sniff.

"I'm sure she doesn't hate you," my mom reassures.

"I gave her the ring I wanted to propose with like a promise ring," I sniff. "A-and she thr-threw it at me," I continue to sob.

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