There used to be a legend
A legend old but true
It's written in the oldest books
And I'll tell it soon to you
They say the devil hides
But he sent his kin to roam
Hoping someday he'll be free
From the hell he calls his home
There was one in particular
Who seemed so sweet and small
But inside her chest the devil knew
Her darkness caused our fall
She had curly, blonde hair
And a sweet, cute smile, though
People thought she was an angel
But this truly wasn't so
She'd go into the homes of many
As a childish friend from school
But they soon would all fall victim
And die as such a fool
For in her truest form
Her skin had turned to flame
After the damage was done
The innocence would still remain
The murders spread through town
And people began to wonder
If that sweet, beautiful girl
Would really pull them under
They found the truth too late
The city was left in a slaughter
A vicious massacre
From the Devil's very daughter
Mourning Skies
РазноеDark poetry, slam poetry, love poetry, five word stories, and my deepest thoughts