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Life is not measured
Within something as mundane
As years
Or months
Or days
From what I've witnessed
The beginning of life
Is not your first breath
Is not your first cry
It is not a milestone
It is a defining moment
When a conclusion is reached
And the sun peaks through your eyes
And is processed as this beginning
Whether it be picking up an instrument
Making eye contact with someone you love
Getting that surgery
Or that tattoo
Or even finding a best friend
You've come to wholly trust
Take a bullet for in a snap
Or maybe it could be
Looking up at the stars
At three o'clock in the morning
Glancing over the ocean
Watching the sun dip in like a gravestone
Or looking from the view of your new house
And maybe things won't be perfect
For perfection in all sense
Is unattainable
But things will be okay
And totally
And for most of us
That's more than we ever though possible

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