It claws up from the pits of my stomach
Clogs my throat and windpipe
Holds me down to my bed
Ties my feet to anchors
I cannot move
It tugs at my pulse
Before throwing it through my chest
The boom resembling that of the thunder
Which oddly calms me
Reassures me that I am still aliveFor that is the biggest worry
That none of this is real
After the numb settles in
And the little escapes become
To feel alive is merely an illusion
The sunshine is glazed over
And the world is in shades of black and whiteReality is a fleeting idea
And floating off this bridge
Into the open air
Sailing away to the star speckled sky
Seems like better alternative
Mourning Skies
RandomDark poetry, slam poetry, love poetry, five word stories, and my deepest thoughts