1. Aaron

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As we stepped off the plane and waited for our luggage we was already wishing we was back in Dubai.

We had just come back from our yearly trip that we have been taken since we were 18. Now, 12 years on and the tradition will never die. Although it may need to be altered.

"So, Ethan and Dimitri... you guys need to hurry up and settle down. I don't know how I'm going to get away, with going away without the Mrs once I'm married." I said to them.

Ethan and Dimitri laughed.

"I'm with you on that bro. Paige already said this year was my last year going away without her." Javon said.

"I was just about to ask you how you been getting away with this after all these years." I said to Javon.

"In the beginning it wasn't an issue, but since we've had Paris she's been onto me." Javon stated.

"That's your own fault! Who told you to get married?! Look. We've been doing this since we were 18!! No offence to the Mrs but if and when I settle down this yearly trip ain't going to stop. We work hard, you lot take care of yours. What's wrong with going away?" Dimitri says.

"D's right. It's something we do every year. It's only five days. I don't see the problem." Ethan added.

Me and Javon looked at each other and shook our heads.

I wouldn't say that any of us have one we are closer with. However due to me being engaged and Javon being married we can relate more in that sense. Plus we tend to go on dates with our partners too. Due to this our partners have become really close also.

Us going on holiday isn't a problem. But it would be easier if they just settled down. But, oh no. That would be too bizarre for them two.

As I left the guys and got in the cab to go home I was quite excited to see my fiancé Gianna. I didn't tell her I was coming back home today; so I knew she would be surprised as she was moaning that she missed me.

Truth be told I missed her too. Gianna and I had moved in together when I proposed a year ago. I've known her for a long time and we had been on and off since I met her at college. But as a teenager I had no intention on settling down and I respected her. But we finally got together three years ago and are planning to marry hopefully by next year.

I entered the house and made my way to the room where Gianna was standing, in the most sexiest lingerie I had ever seen.

"Damn!" I said making her jump.

"Baby? What you doing here?"

"What do you mean what am I doing here? I live here!"

"I know I know... I just wasn't expecting to see you so soon."

"Oh really? So who you wearing that for?"

"Huh? No one! Well...it's for you. I didn't get to try it on when I purchased it; so I was trying it on now to see how sexy I would look for you when you came back. But now you've ruined the surprise." She said with a sad pout.

"N'awww bae. Don't worry. You did surprise me. Now come here and let me take it off." I said as I pulled her close to me...

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