20. Javon

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We had just got back from having dinner at Paige's parents house. Paige was putting Paris to bed. I jumped in the shower then sorted out my stuff for work tomorrow.

"Oh yeah I had forgotten to ask you. How did it go with sacking Alana?" She asked.

Uh oh.

"Erm.. I didn't sack her. I couldn't. But I did get Sarah to swap." I said knowing I was going to get an earful.

"Javon Harrison."

"I know I know, but we need the staff. Anne is on maternity leave for a year and there's no one else at the moment. Sarah has said she will keep Alana away from me and she will deal with all my appointments and stuff. That's the best I could do."

"No it's not! You think that's going to be it? She's just going to stop bothering you and passing her place?"

"Paige I'm dealing with it okay? Just trust me. Trust your husband."

"It's not you that I don't trust..." she said as she walked into the bathroom.

When she came out the shower she never said a word. She got into bed and she turned away from me.

I sighed. I finished up what I was doing and went to bed. The next morning when I woke up, the house was quiet. Paige and Paris wasn't here.

She most probably went and did some food shopping.

I made a mental note to buy some flowers and a little gift for Paige. I hated when we wasn't on good terms.

When I got to work I went to my office. Just as I put my stuff down Alana comes barging though my door.

"YOU swapped me and Sarah? Why?"

"I have nothing to say to you. I have no reason to communicate with you. Seeing as you can't be respectful of my relationship and don't know how to be professional, then I don't want to see or speak to you. Now close my door and do not come back here."

"You're going to regret this!" She said before slamming my door shut.

I wish I could say that it ended there. But it didn't. Weeks went by and Alana just got worse.

"Doctor? Is there a reason you have cancelled all you appointments for today?" Sarah asks me.

"Excuse me? I didn't."

"Yeah you have. Now the patients are here and complaining."

"What? I didn't cancel, I wouldn't cancel."

"And last week you gave three patients the wrong prescription."


"Yeah. They called up. Are you sure you can handle the extra patients? We can get an agency doctor in."

"Sarah.. does this sound like me?"

"No not at all. I was very confused to be honest."

"Exactly! It's not me!"

"So who is it? All these things are done on your computer and have your signature on it."

I was sitting there wondering if I was really going insane.

"I can't prove it but I certainly know it's not me, it ain't you, so it has to be her." I said to Sarah.

"Alana? I keep a close eye on her. I haven't seen her come into your office."

"Well, I have a copy of all my appointments today. I always print them. Send them in. Start from Mrs Juney." I told Sarah.

For the rest of the day I felt so unorganised. I had to apologise to all my patients. Some of them told me that a woman called saying that I had cancelled for no reason. Luckily my regular patients know me and know I wouldn't do that and came in anyway.

Alana was starting to take a toll on me, she was messing up my appointments and some how had me giving wrong prescriptions. I couldn't even go home and moan about her to Paige because I know what she would say.

I guess she was right. I should have listened to my wife and got Alana fired.

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