78. Dimitri

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Since landing in Jamaica, I haven't gone a day sober. Between smoking and drinking I've been floating. My parents, siblings and nieces also flew out her as well as Krystals dad. So we haven't really had Diamond as much.

You would think Diamond was my mothers child. My sisters, Hope and Faith it's like they want their daughters to be a baby again the way they reminisce and coo over Diamond. Destiny is the designated baby sitter as I promised her that she would be the one I go to first.

I thought as we were on holiday she would want to enjoy the beach and stuff but turns out she rather be off in the shade. Unlike the rest; so in the day time she spends most of it with Diamond.

Anytime Krystal and I have tried to tend to Diamond someone intervenes. I laugh, but I'm glad for the support.

Today is Christmas Day and as you know... it's my birthday also. Today is also the day I'm going to get married.

Yes. That's right! I'm doing it once and I'm doing it big.

Once Javon said he was coming out here for Christmas I jumped on board. I wanted to get married in a different country. So I made it happen. It was actually Krystal that chose the date as she said she didn't know how to top the gift she got me last year.

Today she will carry my last name and I couldn't think of a gift better than that. I smiled at just the thought.

There was a knock at my door followed by my mother, my family and my brothers.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Yes, everything is fine. I just wanted to pray for you with all your loved ones present." My mum said.

I smiled and nodded my head. We all then bowed our heads.

"Heavenly father, I just want to ask you to keep protecting over my son Dimitri. I ask you to keep him flourishing and to remain the great man he is. I ask for today to be the start of something new, a commitment, new beginnings for him and his wife to be. Guide them the right way and keep their love fresh and vibrant each and every day. May you be his light through troubled times oh lord. Rebuke any temptations and wrong turnings oh lord. Keep his life strong so he can be the best father and husband known to man. In Jesus name we pray..."

"AMEN!" Everyone said.

I smiled.

"Thank you mum." I said.

"Right. Cmon bro! Let's get you married!" Javon said.

A few hours later and I was a married man. Can you believe it? ME? Dimitri Campbell? Married?

Well... I am. And it feels bloody great!

"...and on that note we, as your parents are so so so so proud of you." My mum said, making everyone clap before her and my father sat down.

Up next was Faith and Hope.

"Well... it's no secret we haven't seen eye to eye. No fault of my own." Faith says. "But the day you brought my sister-in-law to the house and she had your back; I knew you had a keeper. Guys, we wish you nothing but the best! We hope this is forever. Love you both." Faith said as they both sat down.

Destiny stood up next.

"Dimitri has always been someone I looked up to. He's always provided even when we didn't need. It showed how much family meant to him. I knew ONE day he would meet his match and that he did in you. I wish you both the best. Oh yeah, more babies please because Diamond is way too cute to be an only child." Destiny said before sitting down.

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