25. Aaron

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As I sat outside my home, it was weird how this place no longer felt like a home. I had been gone for a week because I couldn't stomach to be around Gianna. I needed to get my head straight. I felt like after all this time I didn't know the woman I was engaged to and living with all this time. It never really helped as she wouldn't stop calling and texting me saying how she wants to have a chance to explain. I don't know what there is to explain when she said everything she had to say last week.

"It was ages ago when I was eighteen! It was a joke! I forgot and wasn't reminded until recently..."

"A joke?"

"Yeah... it was something I did when I went Vegas. I never really thought it was legit and stood for anything. Then my sister reminded me and said I should look into it because I wouldn't want to get married to you for it to end up being void. So I did, turns out the marriage was very much real. I have these papers for the guy to sign, which I'm doing this week!"

"So this is why you was stalling?"

"Yea... Yeah."

"I want to be cool about this; but I don't understand how you can get married and not remember! Furthermore, how can you see marriage as a joke? So our marriage would be a joke to you too?"

"No!! For goodness sake Aaron; I was eighteen!!"

"I don't care! You don't get married for a "joke"! I feel like I don't even know who you are. Our whole relationship is based on a LIE!! Honestly, I don't think I can be around you right now. I had my suspicions something was up and I was right. Even if this was the case and you actually forgot, as soon as you "remembered" you should have told me. Why would you keep that a secret from me? The person you're supposed to marry?"

"I was embarrassed! I knew I fucked up and I know how serious marriage is to you. Please... Aaron we can work this out!"

"I don't know if we can. I just need time. I said then left.

I decided to come back and talk to her as this was the woman I wanted to marry; I guess I was just thrown off a bit. I was still sceptical. Made me think if this is what she was hiding from me then what else could she be hiding. I knew it wasn't right but I still did it anyway. I went through her stuff. If I found nothing then I wouldn't have to worry about anything. I could attempt to make this work. One thing for sure was the wedding was being postponed. Next month was way too soon to be marrying her and right now I didn't even trust her.

After going through her stuff her paperwork and even emails, I had come across nothing. A sigh of relief left my body knowing that she never had no other secrets hiding from me. As I put the laptop back in the case I noticed something had fallen out. I picked it up to put back inside when I was astonished by what I was looking at.

I could hear the keys in the door and made my way downstairs.

"Aaron? Didn't expect you yet! I wanted to cook dinner and stuff."

"Forget all of that. I thought you being married was your only secret?"

"What?...It is!"

I laughed.

"You must really think I'm a fool. So when I said I thought there might have been someone else you told me no and made one hell of a scene about it when really...there was someone else?"

"What?! NO! There is no one else!!"

"So.. if there is no one else, tell me something. How are you 12 weeks pregnant and haven't told me?"

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