36. Javon

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"This is ridiculous, I'm not splitting myself into two." I said on the three way call I was having with Dimitri and Ethan.

"You don't have to. But until Aaron realises he has a problem and is man enough to address it and deal with it, I ain't fucking with him. Bro or not." Dimitri said.

"Yeah man, over the years how many times has this happened? It's because he's never flipped on you. It's always me and he's always in the wrong. This time he went too far. He actually came for us like we're the enemies." Ethan added.

"I hear you, I do. But he's hit rock bottom and it's not like he has any family to turn to." I said.

"You've always been the peacemaker and I love that about you bro. I really do. But I ain't budging. When Aaron wants to come to me like the grown man he is, I'll be all ears. But until then, i'd rather not be around him." Dimitri said.

There was no getting through to any of them two. I understood though.

"Ite. Well we'll link up soon." I said before cutting the call.

"They ain't budging?" Paige asked me as we laid in bed together.

"Nope. And I don't blame them, but on the same account, Aaron needs help. Have you spoken to your girl and asked what made her do all that?"

"Woah there! My girl? Babe, I only befriended her because you wanted me to. But to be honest one time she asked me to cover for her and say we was together when we wasn't. I said no because that would mean lying to my husband and I don't do that. She said okay. After that I didn't really feel her. Like she seemed sneaky."

"Really? How come you never said anything before?"

"Didn't really think much of it to be honest. Plus you know I don't like getting involved in other peoples business. I just knew to keep her at a distance."

"Fair enough. I'm going to try Aaron again though."

"Okay, but there's only so much you can do. If none of them want to make the effort don't force it. Because if he puts his hand on you belly or not I'll swing for him." Paige said.

I laughed. She was so violent for such a small person. I got up and got ready to go to Aaron's seeing as he wasn't trying to answer his phone.

When I got there he wasn't answering his door either. Found that annoying because I didn't drive all the way here to be left standing outside. Just as I was about to leave I saw him jogging back to his house.

"So you don't know how to answer your phone?"

"You sound like a chic bro." He said.

"I'm trying to check in on you and make sure you're good after your stupid behaviour the other day and you got jokes?"

"I'm good man. It shouldn't be you checking in on me. Them two jumped me..."

"What the fuck are you on about?"

"What you mean?"

"They never jumped you! YOU went for Ethan! Me and D pulled you two apart then YOU pushed D making him fall. So he jumped up pissed off; then YOU went for him again. Me and Ethan trying to stop you two then what do you do? YOU punch Ethan in the face! It was all YOU bro. As always when you start drinking."

"And there we have it... the spokesman for them man. Of course it was all my fault."

I shook my head.

"You know what. I can see why these lot are done with you. You like to be wrong and strong. You fucked up again! You're a grown man acting like a child! And when you ain't acting like a child you're acting like your dad!"

He stepped to me.

"I'm not drunk. I'm fully sober. Tell me I'm like that man again and see what happens."

I laughed.

"Don't make because I'm humble fool you. If there's ANYONE who should know me it's you. I said... you're acting like your father. You know why that hurts you? Because you know what a prick he was and because you know that I'm right. But go ahead, step to me. You lost Ethan and Dimitri, go lose the last person whose trying to help you..." I said.

He stood there with his nostrils flaring.

"I don't need NONE of you!" He said as he walked off going into his house slamming his door behind him.

I smirked and shook my head.

I guess it's true what they say. "You can't help someone who does not want to be helped."

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