17. Aaron

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Life has been great. I'm very close to getting the promotion I've been working hard for. Me and Gianna are getting along and I've even been helping her with the wedding.

I don't know if it's all this wedding planning but Gianna has been really attentive. If this is what life's like now then when we're married I'm going to be feeling and living like a King!

Just as my lunch break finished I see Amber walking towards me. Amber is a colleague of mine. She's very pretty and she knows it. Not because she's over confident or cocky but because she knows a simple smile has the guys in here falling head over heels over her.

Despite this being the case... despite all the guys here liking her. Who does she show an interest to?

Yup, that's right. Me.

I've told her that I'm engaged and happy with my fiancé. She says she respects my choice and she won't overstep boundaries.

It still doesn't stop her smiling and winking at me. One time we was in the lift and it became overcrowded and she ended up face front to me.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying a free feel. But she makes being a faithful man very hard. Like I said. She's beautiful. She has tight curly hair that sits above her shoulders. She has these deep dimples to compliment her hypnotising smile. Let's not forget her body was mesmerising. I wondered if she ever got anything done. She didn't seem out of shape no where.

"Hey Aaron..." she says as she walks into the canteen.

"Hi Amber." I say, always as monotone as can be.

She laughs. She always does that.

A few more hours have gone by at work and it's time to close. I couldn't be happier, it's Friday and after work, I'm going to meet with the guys at Dimitri's house.

"Hey Aaron, can you help me cash up please?" Amber asked me.

"Yeah sure."

As I helped her I noticed she sat there with one leg over the other. Her skirt had a side split that I could be sure wasn't so high usually.
Nevertheless I continued with what I was doing.

"Aaron... you have such nice hair. Why do you never cainrow it? You should let me cainrow it for you." She said as she tried to play with my hair.

I stopped her.

"Woah. What you doing?"

"Nothing. Was just admiring your good hair."

"Listen. Amber... you said you would respect my relationship but you're not."

"I haven't done anything wrong. I'm behaving... unless you don't want me to..." she said as she played with her hair staring up at me with her low seductive eyes.

Don't do it Aaron. Don't give in to temptation. Fight it!!

"No... I want you to behave. All the winks, all the sly flirting.. it's got to stop. There's many guys that would want you in this company so I don't know why you're bothering with me. I'm soon to be married." I said.

"I know... there's just this thing about wanting what I can't have. You know what I mean?" She said as she came close to me fiddling with my tie.


"Yeah, I do. Many years ago I may have been that guy to entertain you but not now. Look your cash checks sorted. You know how to do the rest. Oh, and another thing... don't touch my hair again, I don't like stuff like that." I said as I left.

I hated my hair being touched. I worked hard to maintain this hair. Not only is my hair long but it's healthy. I take pride in my appearance. The guys like to say I look like I belong in a boy band but they've always been hating on me; from we've been young.

"Babe! I'm going to D's! See you later!" I said before leaving.

As I got in my car I noticed I had a text. It was from Amber:

Sorry about today.
Was really inappropriate of me.
I promise to stay away and behave accordingly...
That is...until you and the Mrs break up.

This text was going so well until the last bit!

I shook my head and drove to Dimitri house. I knew they would find this funny, especially Dimitri.

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