29. Aaron

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Her mouth dropped open.

"And before you even lie, I found your scan. It has your name and the date and how far gone you are. But here's the thing. I know it ain't mine for two reasons. One - being you would have told me. Two - we've been using condoms. Furthermore I'm pretty sure I wasn't in the country around this time." I said to Gianna.

"I'm sorry..." she whispers.

"Huh? What did you say? Speak up louder. I can't hear you. You're what?"

"I'm sorry." She says.

"What are you sorry for Gi?"

"Can you just let me explain everything. Please."

"Yeah. Please, explain everything to me. I'm all ears." I said.

"Okay, so... just before you proposed and we moved in together, my ex came back into my life. My ex is the guy I was married to. He came back saying all the right things and saying he wants to make things right and stuff. He said he wanted a child and for the longest you know I've wanted one. One night one thing lead to another and we slept together. Then a couple days later you proposed. I felt so bad! I called it off and said it was a mistake and that I love my fiancé. He wasn't happy to hear that but nevertheless he left me alone. Then one of the times we argued about the marriage and kid thing I was really upset so I called him. I ended up going to his and we slept together again. Every time we argued about it I ended up sleeping with him. Until I started falling for him. When you went away we spent the whole week together. I was in two minds if being with you was what I really wanted. When you came back and saw me here in the lingerie it wasn't for you it was for him. I didn't expect you back so early in the day. Then you came and I actually missed you. I found out I was pregnant and I couldn't believe it because straight away I knew it wasn't yours. But I wanted it to be. When I told him that I want to make things right with you he said how can you make things right with him when not only are you carrying my baby but you're married to me. That's when I was confused. He then reminded me of our trip to Vegas and I felt sick. I begged him to sign the papers but he refused. But today, today he signed the papers. Aaron.. baby.. I know I've messed up, but I'm so sorry. I was confused. Please, please forgive me." She said as she sobbed.

I sat here and all I could think, the whole time she was talking was... Aaron, you're a mug!

I guess Ethan was right. The signs are there. We just choose to ignore it.

"So let me get this straight. Not only have you lied, not only have you cheated, not only are you married to your ex, but the baby that you are carrying is his?"

She nods her head.

"And you want me to forgive you?"

"I'm laying everything out on the table. No more lies. We can get married and start a fresh."

I burst out laughing.

"Married? MARRIED???? Do you really think I'm going to marry you? You little SLUT!!"


"NO!! Don't Aaron me! Let me tell you why you're a slut! Not only was you sleeping with another man behind my back but you was letting him fuck you raw!! What would you have told me if he gave you something and you gave it to me? Furthermore I better get myself checked!!"

"Stop it!" Gianna cried.

"Nah nah nah. I ain't stopping, I've only just begun. You let me propose and you moved in with me knowing that you had been sleeping with someone else? Every time we argued you went back to your ex? Then come back here to me? So our whole relationship has been a lie?"



I then got up and walked over to the shelves of pictures we had taken together.

"Look, this was our first date. But you was married so this was just null and void." I said as I smashed it on the floor. "Oh and this one, was our first holiday together. But again it's all been one big lie so it's VOID!!" I said again as I smashed it on the floor. "Would you look at this one... when we moved in together... I carried you across the threshold like we was MARRIED... wait for it... VOID!!" I said and smashed it like the others. I then started laughing. "But here's the best one. Me on one knee as I proposed to the girl of my dreams meanwhile she's getting her back blown out by some any JOE!! Oh and let's not forget the proposal was pointless, why? BECAUSE SHES ALREADY MARRIED!! VOID!!" I said as I smashed that picture.

That was it. I had lost it. I pushed the whole glass shelf cabinet to the ground.



"NO!! I ain't done yet!!"

I went upstairs to our room and grabbed her suitcases and started filling them.

"Aaron please. Can you stop. I know you're angry..."

"Angry? Ha! That's an understatement! Furthermore. I'm not doing this. You have an hour to pack your shit and leave. After that I'm throwing you out. Don't make me have to put my hands on you because trust me I will. One hour Gianna... and I don't want no excuses. Pack your shit and leave."

"But where will I go?"

"Does it look like I care? That baby has a father. Go to him." I said to her as I walked away from her for the very last time.

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