47. Ethan

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Back to school and honestly it feels great. I've been moved to a better class. I have full control of the PE department and let's not forget a better salary. What more could I ask for?

There was a knock at the door and I knew it could only have been one person.


"Hey, am I too early or?" Michaela asked.

"No. Not at all. This meeting only needs two more people."

"Ethan.. did you call me into work earlier than I needed to be for you to be playing games?" Michaela said sounding somewhat annoyed.

"Wellllll yes and no."


"Come come... sit down."

She sat down like a diva and was giving me the evil eye.

"Okay one reason... the main reason you're here is because Miss Baker is leaving by Christmas. She's got a small tutor group and I thought... if you wanted that you could take over."


"Well they was asking who would be interested at a meeting we had yesterday and no one responded. So I spoke with the head and she said you should go and see her and speak to her. Sit in a few of the tutor classes to see if it's something you want to and would be able to do."

"Oh my goodness. You really did that?"

"Yeah. Yeah I did."

She squeals and hugs me

"Thank you! I'll go and speak to her! So what was the other reason?"

"Well..." I said and pulled her in close to me.


"Yeah yeah yeah. I don't know what or why you're fighting. I'm not saying be my girl or be the mother to my kids. I'm just saying let's have some fun..."


"Yeah, you do know what fun is right?"

"I'm not sure if your fun and my fun are the same type of fun." She said.

I locked my office door.

"Oh I think this will be your type of fun." I said to her as I pulled her in and started kissing her.

I motioned her to sit on my desk as I pulled her trousers down and wasted no time in going face first into her forbidden fruit.

She gasped as I played with her clit with my tongue. I moan as I'm enjoying her sweetness causing her to use her hands to control my head.

"Mmmm." She moans.

I laugh. Then I stop.

"Huh? What... what's wrong? Why'd you stop?"

I chuckle.

"Stop acting like you don't want me then I may just finish off the job. Now... excuse me as I freshen up to start my day." I said as I walk off.

For the rest of the day whenever I see Michaela she acts as if she's mad at me but I know she ain't mad. I got her right where I want her.

The day goes quickly and I'm absolutely glad it's over. I did not anticipate all the extra responsibility that has come my way. Not that I'm not up to task; I just know that a lot more is expected from me.

Once home I'm looking through the plans for the first part of the term and sorting out stuff for the teachers in the PE department.

I wasn't even half way through when Javon called me. I decided I would call him back when I was less busy. If it was important he would call back again...

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