56. Ethan

47 4 1

3 months later

I had a great Christmas I spent it with my mum, my boys and the rest of the family. Once the most part of the Christmas was out of the way; I went and got Michaela and brought her back to mine.

We had a great Boxing Day together. Went out to eat and spent the day together. The next day we decided to have a lie in. I was enjoying Michaela's company and it was evident that we liked each other.

We was on the sofa when the doorbell rang.

I answered it and my eyes almost popped out my head when I saw Tamara, Whitney and Zaria.

"Where is she?" Tamara asked.


"The bitch you left your kids at your mums for!" Whitney added.

Zaria never said a word. She looked at me confused. Tamara barged past me.

Yes, the kids were at my mums but so were all the kids. That's what we do. We leave the kids to stay together.

"You can't just barge in my house Tamara!!" I said.

At this point Michaela was laying on the sofa looking very comfy as she didn't even move.

"So you're the reason the kids are not with their father?" She said to Michaela.

Before she could say anything I intervened.

"What I do with the kids when I have them is not your business!"

"Shut up Ethan! I have had it up to here with you! I wanted to see if what EJ was saying was true. He doesn't stop talking about this "Kayla" lady. See Zaria... you believed that shit about him not being ready when it was just he wasn't ready to be with you!"

"Tamara!!" I said.

"What? Am I lying? You have a new girl. You wasn't even discreet about it. The kids know her. That's another issue I have. You don't be bringing women around my son without my say so!"

"I do what I want!"

"Is it? See if you see EJ again!"

"Is that a threat?!" I said stepping to her.

"Come on guys." Whitney said.

I looked at Whitney in disgust. I was heated.

"Nah let him try. I'm not Whitney. Sorry Whit. But you can't and won't put your hand on me. I'll fuck you up! Try me! You're so disrespectful! You have three kids and each child has a mother. Instead you try to make it work with one - well not me because I'm over you. But you know Zaria isn't! Look at her." We all looked at Zaria who was trying to hold back tears. "This is what you do. You hurt women and act like you mean well. I just wanted to see if the rumours were true. Hey, newbie... please don't think it will work out with you. You will just be baby mother number 4. He'll still be fucking with Zaria."

"Tamara!" Zaria said.

"Sorry Z. She needs to know. This man don't have a loyal bone in his body. Anyway, I'm going to get our son! I'll let you know when I'm ready to let you see EJ." Tamara said before walking off.

"Don't be having Ezra round her without letting me know. It's just common respect for the mother of your child." Whitney said before walking off.

"You know, I know I've done you wrong... but you know why. If this is pay back then you succeeded." Zaria said as tears fell.


"No. It's cool. I hear you loud and clear. Elijah is NOT allowed around her. Do you hear me?!"

"C'mon Z... don't be like them."

"If I was like them then maybe I wouldn't be here now feeling like some fool thinking we stood a chance!! Now.. I said, Do. You. Hear. Me?!"

"I hear you Z." I said.

She walked out of the house. I felt so bad. I wouldn't want Zaria to find out like that. The other two I couldn't care less but not Zaria.

"Erm... Michaela..."

"You have three baby mothers?" She asked.

Just great!


"You never said."

"You never asked..."

"Are you kidding me? Really?"

"Didn't think it mattered. The kids were all that mattered no?"

"One mother to your 3 kids I can accept because it shows you lot had something but just didn't work out for whatever reason. But three kids and three baby mothers? You just like to have sex!"

"No. Tamara was my girl. I just wasn't ready when she got pregnant. Whitney trapped me and admitted she did. I can not stand her. Zaria, we was in a relationship then things got complicated."

"Yeah. I could tell." She said as she got up.

"Where you going?"



"Why? Really? Did you not just see what I did?"

"Michaela cmon..."

"No. I'm not involved. I don't want no part in this."

"Don't let them come in between what we got! That's why they came! I don't care about them!"

"You don't care about them?"


"You don't care about Tamara?"


"You don't care about Whitney?"

"Hell no!"

"How about Zaria?"

I guess my silence answered.

"You see... anytime her names mentioned there's this look in your eye. I can't and won't compete. You may think you're done but you're not. It was fun whilst it lasted. I'll see you at school." She said as she left.

Never in my life have I had FOUR women walk out on me! I didn't even know what to say or do. She had a point though. I felt really bad for hurting Zaria feelings.

Maybe I'm not as over Zaria as I thought...

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