49. Javon

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The past week has been hard.

I took time off of work. I wasn't up to it. Plus I was looking after Paris. She wasn't going nursery until the end of September.

And despite what Paige said I still went to go see her and Jermaine. Yes, Jermaine. She wouldn't talk to me about us. But when it came to the kids she would do what's best. She let me name him and I was grateful for that.

My mum had decided to take Paris for the weekend allowing me to have a break. I really don't know how Ethan does it. I'm so used to having Paige here and us working as a team so doing it all on my own.. it's hard.

Speaking of Ethan, I called them all when I found out about Paige being in hospital and none of them answered. They had been trying to contact me but I wasn't really up for talking. Especially with Paige saying we was over.

But all three of them had been calling me non stop. So I told them to come see me today. With me not having Paris I could really do with something to take my mind off of things.

Yes all three of them are coming. No they don't know. But I don't care. Ethan and Dimitri doesn't have to talk to Aaron but I'm not leaving him out. Even if he had annoyed me last time I saw him.

The bell went and it was Aaron.

"Yo. Everything okay? You've been MIA, you haven't been answering my calls or anything."

"Now who sounds like a chic?" I said making us chuckle.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I knew you was only looking out for me bro. I'm getting help. I'm actually talking about my issues."

"That's good. I believe that will help you."

Before he could respond the bell went again. I went and answered it. It was Ethan and Dimitri. I let them in and they followed me to where me and Aaron was.

But when I got there, Aaron was not there.

Where did he go?

"Yo. Everything okay? Tamara asked me if I knew that Paige was in hospital?"

"What? Is that true?" Aaron said popping up out of nowhere.

"What's he doing here?" Dimitri asked.

"Yeah man! You should have let us know he was gonna be here." Ethan added.

"Guys I'm sure we can talk about this." Aaron said.

"Oh now you want to talk? You sure? Wait. Let me give you a drink. Then let's see if you still want to just talk!" Ethan said.

"Ethan!!" I said.

"Nah man. We always let him get away with shit. He needs to own up to his shit! He needs to own up to the fact he has a drinking problem."

"I know I do. I'm dealing with it."

"Yeah right. You always dealing with it." Dimitri said.

"I know I fucked up but I'm glad to know you guys have faith in me."

"Don't try it Aaron. Don't try look for no pity or sympathy. You tried to fight us! Then said we jumped you! All now no apology yet you claim you know you fucked up!"

"Stop. Just stop!" I said.

"Sorry J.. I know you're a peacemaker but not this time." Ethan said.

"Whatever man, you clearly didn't see me as no brother..." Aaron said.

I had had enough. I jumped up out my seat.

"I made you all come here... because my wife was in an accident that made her give birth prematurely and now my son is struggling to breathe so he has a machine helping him and I'm praying that's enough to keep him going!! I have Paris full time and it's a lot! And if that was not enough... Paige blames me! So she's left me! Told me it's over! My marriage... over. And here you are... bitching over some foolishness. I called you lot here because I want you all here. So, you have a choice; stay, work shit out or leave, I don't care! But no more bitching!" I said very much heated.

"Bro... why didn't you tell us?" Dimitri asked.

"I called all of you. None of you answered. After that I was like fuck it. Cracked on with life. Didn't want to speak to anyone."

"My bad. I'm sorry. I've been trying to work on myself but it don't excuse not being there for you because when it comes to it... you're there for everyone." Aaron said.

"Aaron is right. I'm sorry too bro." Dimitri said.

"Same. If I knew..." Ethan started to say.

"Well you didn't. I just don't know what to do. I won't give up on my marriage but when someone's already in pain and hurting how do you try to persist?"

"Don't give up. She may say it's over but I bet she's just angry. Why would she blame you?" Aaron asked.

"That crazy temp girl..." I filled them all in on everything including Paige telling me what happened to her.

"Argh bro. That sounds so mad. It really wasn't your fault." Ethan said.

"You know what? I'm not so sure anymore."

"What?" They all said.

"It's not my fault intentionally... but if I had just got rid of her. If I had never offered to drop her home. If..."

"All these ifs... our lives are full of ifs. We can't live like that. You didn't sleep with her. You didn't entertain her. You never told her you wanted her or liked her. You always mentioned Paige. Alana is the one to blame. Say you sacked her straight away how do you know she wouldn't have still gone after Paige?" Dimitri said.

"She wouldn't have been able to get information like my address. She wouldn't have known who my wife was. Paige is right. What if she had Paris in the car?"

"Listen... it's not your fault. It's Alana fault. She needs to be stopped." Dimitri said.

"I'm going to kill her."

"Ojay, that's not a good idea.. the kids need their father..." Dimitri said.

"And Paige needs her husband. She's mad but she'll come around." Ethan said.

"I dunno man... I... I dunno."

"That's alright. We're here to remind you." Aaron said.

"Yeah. Aaron's right. We got you bro." Ethan said.

Even though I was in my feelings about what was going on with me a Paige, I was so glad for these guys. This is how it should always be. I just hope it stays that way.

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