7. Ethan

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Back to school and it feels great!
Two things I like are kids and sports. This is why being a PE teacher was the ideal job for me.
The bell goes off and my form group come running in.

"Mr Francis! Hello Mr Francis! Morning Mr Francis! Yooooo Mr F!!"

I laugh at them and greet them all.

"So how was you guys half term? You glad to be back?"

Moans echo through the class making me chuckle.

"Right.. last term I heard nothing but good things about you guys. I want it to remain that way. Now, let's get cracking. I want to see your school diaries and make sure you lot are doing what you should be doing."

"Sir. I forgot my school diary." A kid called Lamar said.

"No you never. You left it here. Which means... you have absolutely no idea what you should have done over the half term."

"Not true! I did my homework!"

"Well seeing as you are so sure, why don't you come up here first." I said.

"Ah sir llow me man"

"Up. Now."

Lamar makes his way to my desk and to my surprise he's done all the work he was supposed to.

"I'm impressed. So why do you like to play class clown when you are clearly more than capable of doing the work at hand?"

"Because that's what they expect. From year 7."

"Who? Your peers?"

"No Mr F. The teachers. They talk down on me. All the time. Lamar is not going to become anything. He's just the class clown. Yes I talk and laugh a lot but I'm smart. So I'll stay being the "clown" and clown my way through, leave here with top grades and end up in a better job than these bummy teachers. No offence Mr F."

Before I could enquire about what teachers said this the bell went and all the kids got up and left.

It bothered me that there were teachers going around saying that and I would make sure I get to the bottom of it.

But for now, it was time for a PE session and as it's the first day back everyone knows what session we are having today.... Beep test.

The kids hated it. Well not all of them. The very competitive kids loved it but majority hated it. I loved it. Was a great way to encourage them to keep going. However I was always sure to watch those with asthma or who looked like they was struggling. I was all for encouragement but not at the risk of their health.

"Hey E." the head of PE department said to me.

"Hey Joe."

"A few things I want to talk to you about. One being I'm leaving once school finishes for the summer holidays. Got a chance to finally chase my dreams as a teacher in sports academy. I've recommended you as the best person to take my position come September. It's more work but I couldn't think of anyone else. Also we have a new teacher starting with us - Michael Norris. He will be shadowing you for the rest of the term, then come September he will take your place. That's why I thought it would be best him shadowing you, especially in your new role that should be coming your way."

To say I was shocked would be an understatement! I was definitely happy but at the same time I didn't think this would happen so soon. I had just been given a form group as well as having to start doing GCSE PE. Now this? I was ready for it though. I'm all about progression.

"Wow. Thanks Joe. I'm really honoured. That's big shoes I'm about to fill but I won't disappoint."

"I know you won't." Joe said as there was a knock at the door. "Come in." Joe said.

"Hey, I'm Miss Norris. I start working here today." A female said.

I turned around and was in awe at this beautiful woman that stood before me. She looked like she had just come from holiday the way her milk chocolate skin glowed. Her hair was up in one. I did wonder if she had a little Indian in her by the texture of her hair. She had big eyes that suited her face and cute little nose stud for her cute button nose. She was beautiful.

"Erm... Miss Norris? There must have been a mistake. I was expecting a Michael Norris."

"Oh. Well I'm Michaela Norris."

"Ahh. That might be it! Sorry about that! I'll have it changed. Nice to meet you Michaela. I'm Joe Thomas, head of PE department and this here is Ethan Francis. In fact you will be shadowing Ethan for the remainder of the term. So as he's about to go and do the Beep test why don't you go with him and see how he operates." Joe said.

I was still stuck on how beautiful this girl was. So even though I heard Joe I didn't actually move.

"Ethan?" Joe said.

"Yeah? Oh. Right. Yeah... erm, let's go." I said to Michaela.

She smiled and followed me.

As we walked to the hall, all I was thinking was this beautiful woman is going to shadow me for the next week or so? Well, school just became that much more enjoyable!

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