3. Ethan

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As soon as I got indoors I got straight down to marking these year 11 books. The quicker I did this the quicker I could enjoy a quiet night in before having to get back into this hustle and bustle life of mine.

There was a huge bang at my door that even made me jump.

What the hell?

I ran to my window and saw three women who I would rather not see at this time. My baby mothers. If it wasn't for the fact they had my children with them I wouldn't have answered the door.

"Daddy!!" My kids shouted as they came to hug me.

"Hey boys, go inside for a minute." I said to them. I then turned to the baby mother brigade. "What are you all doing here?" I said somewhat annoyed.

"So who did you go on holiday with? These two says it wasn't them! So you got a new girl on the scene now Ethan?" Tamara asked.

I laughed.

"Not that it's any of your business! But no. I did not. I went with the guys. You of all people should know this Tamara." I said I her.

Tamara was my first baby mother. She's actually my ex. I wasn't ready for a child and she was. I felt like she trapped me. After that I just didn't see her the same. I ended it, but from the day my son EJ was born; I've always been there for him and supported them financially.

Tamara hasn't had a partner since we broke up (so she says) and that's been eight years now. She says that she knows eventually I'll come around; but truth is I won't. Since breaking up with her and having two more kids she's shown a side to her I never knew she had.

I wouldn't be surprised if she's the one who organised this ambush.

"You can afford to go on holiday with the lads but you can't afford to support your kids finically?" Whitney hyped up.

I laughed again.

"Have you hit your head? I support my kids! You are only mad because none of the money I give to my kids you can get your hands on. Money grabbing gold digger."

To say I hated Whitney was an understatement! She admitted she poked holes in my condoms when we were having sex. I was furious. She's been a pain in my ass ever since.

"Whatever. Anyway. Take Ezra and make sure you take him to school tomorrow. I'm busy." Whitney said as she gave me a bag of what I'm assuming could only be his stuff.

"Yeah. Take EJ too. I had a week of him driving me mad because it was half term and he wanted to spend it with daddy and his brothers. You're back now so the least you could do is spend time with him." Tamara said before walking off with Whitney following.

One thing I didn't do was argue about having my kids. As much as their mothers were a pain in my ass. They weren't. My parents raised me to love my kids no matter what the circumstance is. My daddy would turn in his grave if he saw me ever neglect or deny my kids.

"Zaria... why do you hang with them?" I asked.

"I don't hang with them. We was together so the boys could play. Then Tamara said you was back today and that we should roll up on you. All I wanted was for Elijah to see his daddy and be with his brothers." She said.

Out of all three of them. I liked Zaria. Despite the fact she was the only one who cheated on me. That's why we weren't together. She didn't know if I was the father or not. Now I know what you're thinking.


But it was actually deeper than that. She's sorry about everything, but I just wouldn't be able to trust her in that sense. We talk a lot and I see Elijah a lot of the time.

"So you want me to have Elijah too?" I asked.

"No, I'll come back and get him in a few hours."

See. Why couldn't they all be like her?

"Nah it's cool. If I'm going to have EJ and Ezra, I may as well have Elijah too. We all know Elijah is a screamer. He would cry if he had to leave and knew his brothers were staying."

Zaria laughed.

"That's true. Okay you want me to help? You just come back from holiday and I know you most probably ain't cooked."

"That would be great. I have a load of books to mark."

"Okay, well let's let the boys play. I'll cook. By then time they finish eating hopefully you done marking. Then you can get them ready for bed. I know they like that part." She said as she smiled.

Damn. Why did Zaria have to mess up?

"Sounds like a plan. Just need to make a quick call." I said as I went to my room.

"Yes son." My mother said as she answered the call.

"You know, for you eldest son and your only son you could sound a bit more enthusiastic."

"I know you're calling because you want something. Now what is it?"

I laughed. She knew me to well.

"Well... these baby mo..."

"Ethan Francis..."

"Okay okay okay... the mothers to my children. Came around and left them in my care. Well Tamara and Whitney anyway. I have school in the morning. Any chance you can come and take them to school?"

"Again? Listen. I know they are your kids and you love them to bits. But seriously son, they know you're a teacher and they know you have to get to school early. So why in Gods name do they keep doing that? My chest is playing up so no I can't help you. Send them back to their mothers. This is a lesson to you anyway... I don't know why you have three kids with three different women..."

"Okay okay mum! Let's not do this. It's okay. I'll come see you after school tomorrow. Bye." I said as I hung up.

As I went back downstairs I decided to try my luck.

"Aye Zee... any chance you could come by in the morning and take these three to school?"

"Yeah sure. Just make sure they're all ready because I have work to go to straight after I drop them."

"You're a life saver."

I managed to get all the marking done and then put the kids to bed.

The next morning I got them up and ready just before Zaria arrived.

"Wow, I'm impressed." She said as she put their jackets on.

"I know right. Just call me super dad." I said.

"That you are. Right, come on boys. Say bye to daddy."

"Bye daddy!" They all said.

I watched as they left and just thought it was a shame that things with me and Zaria didn't work out.

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