23. Ethan

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Today was sports day and I loved this day the most. A whole day of sports! Years 7-10 would compete as individuals, as form groups, and as year groups. Fastest from each year would race four of the fastest teachers at the end and it was always fun to have that race.

Especially as this was an all boy school; everyone's ego was out in full force today.

Michaela was looking real good in her Nike shorts set. I didn't have long left before the summer holidays would start and I wouldn't see her; so I needed to make a move real soon if I hoped to spend time with her over the holidays. I know she was interested. Her morals and pride was just in the way.

I guess it's true what they say, time flies when you're having fun. Before you knew it, it's the last race and I'm excited to win this. Yes, win. Last two years proved I was the fastest. I intended on getting my third medal.

"Okay so Miss Norris is going to run instead of me." Joe said.

We all looked at Joe.


"What? Did you see her run the relay? The girls came second! That was down to her!"

"Well I wouldn't know! My team won the teachers relay! I didn't see who was behind me!" I said boastfully.

"Well.. Mr Francis... Let's see how fast you are when we both take off at the same time." Michaela said making everyone echo "oooo"

I laughed. There was no way she would beat me!

"On your marks... Set... GO"

And we're off! Everyone's screaming and cheering and of course I'm in the lead,  I look over my shoulder and out of nowhere I can see Michaela speeding up to me and is almost level with me.

What the hell?

There was no way I was going to lose this. No way whatsoever. I made sure to finish head first and I was one thousand percent sure I had won.

Everyone was cheering Michaela.

Wait? Did I lose?

"Well done Ethan, but the real winner is Michaela. Even though you won she wasn't far behind you. If you had slowed down just a bit, I reckon she would have taken you." Joe said.

"Aye sir! You almost lost you know!" The boys said and burst out laughing.

Well would you look at that! I won but feel like I've lost! Everyone was praising Michaela and to be honest I was glad. I feel this was just what she needed.

"So, you bowl good, you play arcade games well and you can run fast. Is there anything you don't do?"

"Date guys with kids..."

"Ooooo... ouch! Good one!"

"I couldn't help myself! Sorry! But this was so much fun. I reckon I can take you on."

"Didn't know you was fast!"

"I go for jogs twice a week and use the track once a week. You should come with me."

"Yeah I think I will. So today's been great. You enjoyed?"

"Yeah man! I really feel like I belong here."

"That's good to hear because the position is yours come September." Joe said as he walked over to us.


"Yeah! You've done really well, you may even get a form group but they'll let you know in September."

"Wow! Thank you Joe!"

"Don't thank me. It was all you. Well done Michaela."

"Thank you again!" She said as Joe walked off. She then squealed. "Oh my God! I'm so happy!"

"That's great news. I knew they would have kept you though. What do you say we go for a few drinks?"


"Now. We need to celebrate your good news and near win."

"Ha! Okay let's go."

We had a few drinks and enjoyed the good weather by sitting on the seats outside of the bar.

"So let me ask you something... what do you think of.. friends with benefits?"

"It doesn't work. One person always ends up liking the other."

"You talking from experience?"

"Yeah I am. Not mine though, I see it."

"So you never had one?"

"Yeah, then he ended up my boyfriend. That worked out in our favour. But that's not the outcome most of the time."

"But if you know you would never get with the person what's the harm in a little fun?"

Michaela smirks.

"Ethan Francis are you trying to make me your fuck buddy?"

I laughed.

"Look, we get along, we got good chemistry, we go out and have a great time. I see nothing wrong in having extra fun too. Unless you're scared you will fall for me and that's a sin because I've got kids!"

She laughs.

"It's clear you like me and you think this way will have me liking you. But I don't get dicknotized..."

I burst out laughing.

"Dicknotized? Is that even a word?"

"No. I made it up!" She said and we both started laughing even more.

"All I'm saying is we should go with the flow and not hold back. If we know it's not going any further then what the problem?"

"You're slick but you're not that slick. Okay, drinks are on me this round. Same again?" She asked changing the subject.


I sat back and smirked. She never actually said yes, but she never said no either. I know she changed the subject because she's up for a little fun. She's just scared she'll end up wanting me. But I won't stop till I change her mind and slowly but surely I see that it's working.

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