28. Javon

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I don't want to jinx it but things at work have been running smoothly. Alana doesn't even look my way and my appointments are no longer being tampered with. It seems as if everything is back to being normal.

The other day we went for the scan to find out the gender of the baby. We're having a boy. I'm really excited. We was even surprised that Paige was so far gone because her bump is so small. But Paige is small herself so I guess that's why. She was the same with Paris.

We've started doing clothes shopping for lil man already. Well mainly Paige but I did go with her one time and got him some stuff too. I've been focusing on painting the baby room and getting it ready for his arrival. So all in a life has been great.

"Hey ladies, I'm going to grab something to eat. Do you lot want anything?" I asked the girls at reception.

The girls said no, so I decided to eat out at the sandwich shop. It was a nice day and I didn't feel like being cooped up in my office on my break.

Once my lunch was over I went back to work.

"You don't have no appointments for the next hour." Sarah told me as I approached the counter for my keys.

"Okay cool."

"Your keys aren't here. Maybe you didn't lock your door."

"Oh. Maybe. Okay thanks." I said as I made my way to my office.

The door was open and my keys were on my desk. Just as I sat down, I heard a voice I would have rather not heard.

"You still going to tell me you don't want me now?" Alana said.

I spun around a realised the noise was coming from behind the curtains where the patients get undressed.

As I opened the curtain I couldn't believe my eyes. There she stood, or I should really say there she laid, naked as the day she was born.

"What the fuck?!?!?"

"Hey Doctor!" She said smiling.

"Alana are you insane??? In fact, don't answer that, because it's clear you are insane. Put your clothes on and get the hell out of my office!!"

"I seemed to have misplaced my clothes doctor." She said finding this all very amusing.

I had lost all patience I could have possibly had with her. This is exactly what I was talking about at the very beginning; about putting me in a position like this, where no matter what I will look like the bad guy.

"You know what? I don't care. Get up and get out. You can walk out naked for all I care. You can't and you won't stay in here for not a minute longer! I have had it up to here with you! When will you realise I don't want you? I will never want you! You're an embarrassment!"

"Well that's harsh!"

"Harsh? You're sick. Since you've come here you've done everything in your power to try and ruin me and for the life of me I don't know why! But it stops today. It stops right here right now! NOW GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!!"

"Babe.. who you shouting at?" Paige asks as she enters my office.

Oh for goodness sake! Just great. This is all I need.

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