35. Ethan

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When I arrived to Aaron's house; Javon and Dimitri were in Javon's car.

"Yooo." I said to them.

"Yo, he's defo inside. Let's see if he'll open the door." Javon said.

Aaron hadn't been responding to our messages or calls. We was worried as that was never like him.

Javon knocked the door.

"Yooooooo!! My bros!! I thought you were the pizza man." Aaron said swaying.

I would like to believe he was swaying because of the music coming from his house but he stunk of alcohol which was never a good thing where Aaron was concerned.

"Uh oh." Javon said.

"Well we ain't, we're your brothers, you've gone MIA, so we've come to see what's up! You going to let us in or what?" Dimitri said.

"Come in come in." Aaron said slurring his words.

"Is everything okay?" Javon asked as we looked around Aaron's house.

He was clearly decorating but it's like he started a piece in every room and left it like that.

"Yeah man, just trying to sort out this place."

"Well you're failing! This place is a tip!" Dimitri said.

"Where's Gianna? She let you have the place looking like that?" Javon asked.

"Fuck that bitch." He said with so much anger.

"Huh?" We all said.

"I said... Fuck. That. Bitch. I... I kicked her out. She's no good. She's already married and she's pregnant, NOT with MY baby may I add..."

We stood there stunned. I know I said she was cheating but to this extent? Also I'm sure he said everything was good?

"Bro.. what happened?" Javon asked.

Aaron grabbed a glass and poured some brandy then backed it. I just shook my head.
Aaron began telling us everything from start to finish, I was in disbelief.

"... So, now I'm decorating my place, because I hated the decor that Gianna had here. Turning this into a bachelor pad." He said.

"I'm sorry to hear..." Javon said.

"Yeah man! Even though I did say she was cheating! I didn't want to be right!" I said.

"Is that why you're here? To rub shit in?" Aaron said to me.

"No no no, I don't mean it like that."

"So what do you mean fam? You was right! We know you was right! You ain't got to come around here to tell me that!!"

"Look, you're taking what I said the wrong way..."

"Oh so now you're telling me what I mean?"

"You're drunk fam. I'm not even doing this with you. My bad init." I said to him.

"Nah... let's do this, Mr I'm always right." He said and stepped to me.

"Bro, why you stepping to me? I'm not the one you should be mad at. It's Gianna..."

"I KNOW!!" He said and pushed me.

"Look, you're drunk, you're hurting I get that. But you ain't going to put your hands on me and think that's okay. No way."

"What you going to do about it?" he said and pushed me again.

This time I grabbed him.

"Don't push me bro."

"Okay okay let's calm down..." Javon said pulling me away, with Dimitri pulling Aaron.

Aaron turned around and pushed Dimitri. The only problem was there was something behind Dimitri causing him to fall.

"Man what the fuck!!" Dimitri said jumping back up.

"What?!" Aaron said going for him and they started fighting.

Me and Javon were trying to stop them swinging for each other which lead in Aaron punching me in the face. So now I've got Aaron in a headlock because I'm pissed off.

"Don't be taking out your shit on us because your girl fucked around on you! It's NOT our fault." I said releasing him from the headlock.

"Man fuck you!!" He said trying to come for me but Javon got in the way.

"Aaron man chill!! Look at what you're doing? You're fighting your brothers!"

"They ain't my brothers. Fuck them, they just tried to jump me!"

"What?" Me and Dimitri said.

"No they didn't..." Javon started to say but I stopped him.

"Nah, don't even speak for us. This isn't the first time Aaron's done this. It's always when he's had too much to drink. Then he don't remember shit. We've let it slide too many times. But not no more. This time I'm done. Yo I'm out." I said.

"Yeah I'm leaving too." Dimitri said following me.

Once outside I had managed to calm down a bit.

"Can you believe that?" I said to D.

"Yeah I can. He's got that same alcohol problem like his father did. The man he hates. Yet here he is being just like him." Dimitri said.

"You know what you're right."

"I know I won't be hollering him."

"I don't know if I will either."

"It's a shame. He's my boy and everything but he's able to switch on us too easily. I don't know how I feel about that."

"Yeah man. How many more times? How many more chances? I ain't trying to have him fight me again." I said.

"Exactly. I'm going home man, I'll shout you." Dimitri said.

"Ite cool." I said and jumped in my car.

As much as Aaron was my brother, he had some issues he never dealt with. Then when shit hits the fan he drinks, then it's like everything that he's bottled up all comes up making him erupt like today.

If Aaron don't sort his shit out then I don't know if I'll be bothering with him anymore.

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