74. Aaron

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"You're doing really well Aaron. Soon you will have no need for these sessions." My therapist said.

I smiled.

"I never thought that I would get to a place like this."

"Everyone can get to a place like this. You just have to believe in yourself."

"I do... I really do."

"Well, I'll see you next week."

"Okay thank you Jonathon." I said before leaving.

I literally had a spring in my step. Life was great! Considering I have a son that likes to sleep during the day and be up crying at night; you would think I would be some grumpy guy, but no! Oh no! Life is great!

I called Amber to see where her and Amari were.

"Hey babe."

"Hey. I've finished my session today. Where are you guys?"

"Just went for a walk, we're in Asda now just about to pay for the stuff I purchased."

"You need me to come get you guys?"

"No it's fine. The weather is nice, we're enjoying the fresh air."

"Okay well I'm home now just going to wait for you guys to come back."

"Okay, see you soon." She said before we came off the phone.

I jumped out of the car and headed to my front door when I heard a familiar but unexpected voice.

"Hey Aaron..." Gianna said.

I spun around.

"Gianna...? What are you doing here?" I said looking at her with her buggy.

"I erm.. I decided to come back."

"You did?"


"Okay... so... erm, I don't really know what you want me to say."

"I came back for you Aaron..."

My mouth dropped open.

"How? How can you come back for me? I left you."

"I know... and not a day goes by that I don't think about it all. I miss you. I miss us."

"Just stop! You made your decision remember?"

"Yes! It was the worst decision I have ever made in my life! Please Aaron... I am here to fight for you! We can be a family..."

"A family? You have a daughter!! For someone else! Don't you get it? You. Hurt. Me. There... I said it. You broke me. The woman I loved! The woman I wanted and was willing to give the world! But all that wasn't enough because I never gave you a baby when YOU wanted! Now you have the baby, you want to come and rub your infidelity in my face? No Gianna! You don't get to come back!!"

"I'm sorry..." Gianna said with tears in her eyes.

"Sorry doesn't cut it. I'm in such a better place now and I really don't need you around here trying to ruin that."

"I wouldn't! I told you! I'm here for you! I know I have messed up but I'm here to show you how sorry I am. I'll do whatever I can; but I'm not giving up. It always been you. I know this now. I just need to prove it to you." She said practically begging.

"Even if I actually wanted to give you another chance which I don't. It's too late anyway... there's no going back... I've moved on."



"She has nothing on me. You loved me! I know deep down you still do."

"No. I care... for some weird reason. But that's it..."

"Hey babe..." Amber said.

I had completely forgot we was standing outside my house and that Amber wasn't far. But in all honesty, I didn't care.

"Hey. Let me take those stuff. I said I would have come and got you. Look at all this stuff."

"Aaron stop fussing! Me and Amari were good! Wasn't we Amari?" Amber said as she made faces at our son.

I smiled.

"You never said we was having company babe." Amber said standing there.

Gianna watched me Amber and tried to look into the buggy but couldn't due to the angle Amber had the buggy.

"We don't babe. This is Gianna..."

"Oh. I see."

"Yeah, she thought she could turn up and pick up where we left off..."

"Aaron!" Gianna said as if she expected me not to say anything.

"Nah... you must have thought I was playing when I said I moved on. Not only have I moved on, but I have a son."

A slight gasp left Gianna's mouth. You could see her chest looking as if she was about to heave.

"You have a child?"

"I do. Wasn't planned, but I couldn't be happier."

Her eyes glistened.

"Babe..." Amber said sounding as if she felt sorry for Gianna.

"No Amber. Who does she think she is? Wrecks our relationship. Gets pregnant! Then wants to come back & I'm meant to welcome her with open arms?! And now she sees I have moved on she wants to look like SHE is heart broken? Give me a break. Look, Gianna, I don't hate you, I do still care; but I'm happy with the mother to my child. This is my family. I wish you all the best. Cmon babe." I said to Amber.

Once inside I noticed Amber looking out the window.

"What are you doing?"

"She's on the phone crying..."

"Why do you care?"

"There was a time I thought I would be raising this baby on my own. Before he was here and I was terrified and so sad. Now, even with your help and support it isn't easy. She must be having a really hard time."

"Okayyyy... well, her daughters father lives in London. I don't know why she didn't go to him."

"Maybe he didn't want to know?"

"Join the club."


"What?! You want me to let her in? Ménage à trois?"

"Ha! Don't get yourself hurt!"

"Exactly. Now come from the window. She made her bed. Now, what's for dinner?" I asked.

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