70. Aaron

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A lot has happened these past few months. The major one being that I went from living in a bachelor pad to it now being a family home ready and waiting for the arrival of our little boy.

Yes, that's right. Amber has moved in. It took a lot of persuading and a lot of changing from my end.

I've got over the fact she had any sexual encounters with Dimitri. That was a big deal for me but it really was just unfortunate that of all the men in the world she had slept with it turned out to be my boy.

Nevertheless, they both are adamant that after that day there was nothing else and I believe them. Besides, Dimitri is in love with Krystal and if Krystal can look past all this and find friendship in Amber then it really is nothing for me to worry about.

Besides, since Amber moved in; it's been nice having company, it's been nice seeing her grow over the months and attend all appointments with her.

I never thought I would meet anyone after Gianna. I didn't want to. And despite how me and Amber came about, I can honestly say I'm glad she's going to be the mother of my child. She's shown a side to her that makes me believe in love again.

She's very attentive and caring. She is also the worst person to get pregnant! Her mood swings and cravings are not normal!

"Did you get my potato skins?!" She asks as she waddles into the kitchen.

"They never had them."

"LIAR!! You know I wanted them so you never got them!!" She said first shouting then crying.

"Babe! Honest! They never had them. I did get you the pickles though."

"You did?"

"Two jars even."

"Oh you're such a sweetheart." She said then started crying.

"What? What's wrong?"

"I'm such a fat cow! That's why you got me two. Because you know I'm a fatty fat fat!!"

"No! It's so when this is finished you won't be upset. Because you have back up." I said hoping I said the right thing.

Lately she had been so sensitive. She was due any minute now and it's like her hormones were stuck on 100.

"Oh okay." She said and stood there eating from the jar of pickled onions.

I continued putting the rubbish away when I heard her crying again.

I sighed.

"Babe... what's wrong now?"

"I can't even control my bladder! I've only gone and wet myself." She said.

I looked at her. I looked at the floor.

"Erm... babe?"


"Was it a sudden gush?" I said still looking at the clear puddle on the floor.


"I don't think you wet yourself. I think your waters just broke."

Ambers eyes widened.


"Ssshhh ssshhh. Listen, look at me. It's going to be okay. Remember. We have prepared for this." I said holding her hands and keeping eye contact.

She nods her head.


"Good. I'm going to get you some trousers and grab the hospital bag, then put you in the car. Then we'll go. Okay?"

"Okay. Okay."



"Breathe... 1, 2, 3... breathe."

"Breathing..." she says as she now makes that her main focus.

I grab the hospital bag and a pair of trousers and a fresh top. I help her get dressed then we're in the car on the way to the hospital.

Six hours later and I'm a father. Amber and my son are okay and healthy.

"Have you thought of any baby names?" A tired Amber asked me, as I held our son.

"Erm... nah, I never thought you know. What about you?"

"Well I think Ajay would be nice. But I feel it's so common. But I want him to have an A name like us. So I thought of Amari... what do you think?" Amber said.

I smiled.

"That's perfect. Prince Amari." I said as I stared at my sleeping son. "Thank you Amber." I added.

"You're thanking me?"

"Yeah. This is a happiness I've never felt before. I never knew a baby could make me feel this way. I feel like I'm forever in debt to you; and I wouldn't want it any other way. To know that this little boy will depend on me and you has me feeling more and more like I've got so much growing to do but I will. I want him to have the life I didn't."

"You said he's going to be depending on us. So you know what you got to do right?" Amber asked.


"Face your fears. Face your demons. Put it all out on the table. You have nothing to lose by admitting what it is you're afraid of or angry about. But if you don't tackle it, if you don't deal with it. It may overcome you. Like it did your father. And we both know you never want to be that man." Amber said as her eyes closed.

I sat in the chair and continued rocking Amari. I took in everything that Amber said and she was right.

Not only am I going to get help but I'm going to face my fears... if not for me then definitely for my son Amari...

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