60. Javon

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As I pulled up to the police station I wondered if this was a good idea.

Well you're here now. May as well.

I made my way into the police station and waited to see the officer.

"Mr Harrison?"


"Hello. Thanks for coming. We don't usually do this but she said all she wants is to see you and then she'll confess to everything."

"As long as she confesses."

I had come to the police station because Alana had requested to speak to me. She had been arrested. I wasn't going to come but I was really intrigued as to what was going on in her head when she decided to crash into my wife.

When I entered the room she looked really happy to see me. It wasn't even a shame that I didn't feel the same.

"Hey. How are you?" She asked.

"Why did you crash into my wife?"

"Did she die?"

"No. She's alive and well. But you almost killed my son."

"You have a son?"

"Why did you crash into my wife?"


"What? My wife? That's what she is."

"It should be me!"


"Yes! Why didn't you want me? What is it about me?"

"I have a wife, a family, a foundation in which I've built over the years. You thought you could have come along and what?"

"You dropped me home.. I know you wanted me. It was because I said I had a man. I lied."

"I know."

"You did? So why didn't you make a move?"

I started looking at Alana differently. Was this an act or was she really not well?

"Alana.. I have never been interested in you. Ever."

"That's because that BITCH is still around."


"Your WIFE!!"

"Even if she wasn't. I wouldn't be with you."

"Why?" She said and started crying. "Why am I not enough? Why am I never enough?"

"I'm just not interested. Never have been and never will be. You almost killed the woman I love and my unborn child. Even if they died I still wouldn't have been with you. You need help. I hope you get it and I hope they lock you up and throw away the key."

"You can't say that!"

"I can.. and I did. Goodbye." I said as I got up to leave.

"YOU CAN'T WALK AWAY FROM ME!! YOU WILL REGRET THIS JAVON!! DO YOU HEAR ME!!" She said as she screamed after me.

I couldn't care less. She was a waste of space and this was a waste of time.

Once home I told Paige where I had been.

"I can't believe you would go visit her."

"She told the officers she would admit to everything once I visited her. Now I've done this, she will admit and now we will get justice. She's going to jail."

"Don't you get it? She says jump, you ask how high. You should have never went! This is what I'm talking about. You even thought I would be okay with you telling me AFTER you going. Why not before? Because you knew I wouldn't allow it. It's fine. I'm tired of being the only one who has my back. Just sign those papers over there."

"What are they?"

"Divorce papers."

"You know what. Just hold on."

I left the room and called my mum and Paige's mum. I asked for them to take a grandchild each. Jermaine needs a lot of care and attention and Paris can be very demanding. They both agreed.

Paige had got in a bath when I took the kids and dropped them off. By the time I came back Paige didn't look best pleased.

"Where are my kids?"

"Our kids are with their grandparents."

"Bring them back."

"No. Not until we sort this out. So you want a divorce huh? Okay. So we will be halving everything 50/50 so... the house we can sell. Then split the money. Sell everything in it then split the money. You got your car I got mine. Oh and the kids. You have Paris I'll have Jermaine."



"Javon stop it!"

"Nah this is what you want. You want to break up our home. Our happy place of over ten years! You want to take our vows in vain because you're so able to drop them and be looking a divorce. You want to break up our family and have the kids without each other and without one parent. Because if you think for one second that I'm letting YOU take them both and I have no one as if I did actually do something wrong. For someone who is meant to have my back and ride for me like you said you do you're showing the complete opposite. Furthermore, forget everything I just said. I'm not signing no papers. Take me to court. Do what you got to do. But just remember, it costs less to work on your marriage than to go through the courts. You're saying I'm the one who caused this but that's a lie. It's all you. Had you even thought let me have my husband by my side then the last few months wouldn't have seemed so draining. So you think you can do this all on your own. Okay, I'm going to teach you a lesson. I'll stay in the man cave. But imagine the man cave as I ain't here. When you're trying to feed Paige and Jermaine starts crying don't call for me. I'm not here. Start getting used to being on your own and dealing with shit on your own. If you can do it then I'll give you your divorce. I'm actually tired of you portraying me as a bad man. Deep down you know I ain't. You would have never married me if you did think that." I said as I got up and walked off.

I am not a bad man and it's about time Paige remembers that!

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