2. Dimitri

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"Maan!! Can you believe them! Talking about we must get girls so we can still go on annual holidays together. If that's what they want then Aaron and Javon better go on holiday with their wifeys and we can go on a bachelor holiday." I said as I got in the cab with Ethan.

"Yo I'm down with that!" Ethan said.

Thing about us is, we was all close but me and E weren't ready to settle down yet so when it came to nights out we was each other's wing man. We couldn't ask the other two as they were being loyal committed boyfriends.

"That holiday went too fast man. Can't believe I'm back at work tomorrow." I said to E.

"I know right. I need to make sure these kids books are marked and ready for tomorrow." Ethan said.

"I still don't know how you do this teaching thing."

"It's not bad. Most the time I'm doing sports and you know I love sports. But since they've asked me to do the GCSE PE it's got a bit more technical. I'm able to do it, but just like myself, the kids wanna just do sports rather than have to study it. But that's where we relate and I'm able to get them to actually do the work. Besides, come parents evening... it's alllllll worth it my brother." Ethan said making us both laugh.

"You a dawg!"

"Pot calling kettle..." Ethan said as his phone rang. "Ugh... I'll deal with that tomorrow."

"Baby mother?"

"Plural. They been calling and texting me nonstop since I landed. I can't deal." Ethan said.

I shook my head. I don't know how his ass ended up with three kids and three loud mouth baby mothers.

Just as we pulled up to mine I had these two crazy girls fighting outside my house.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I said.

Ethan laughed.

"See... my baby mothers are crazy because they my kids mothers. You now? You just attract crazy!! Better you than me bro. I'll holla!" He said as the cab drove off.

"Look! There he is!! Dimitri, would you tell this side bitch that I'm wifey and she needs to know her place!" Sabrina said.

"Wifey? Please! He don't claim you! He claims me though! Dimitri... why you got these girls thinking they can disrespect me?" Roxanne said.

I just come back from a nice week away to have to come back to this? None of these girls are even my main!

"Look... in order for ANY of you to be a side.. I would have to have a main... now... I know I've not just told you once... I know I've not just told you twice. Shit, I know I've told you BOTH more than three times... NONE OF YOU.. are my girl! Stop coming round my house and showing yourself up! This is why none of you would NEVER be my girl."

"Fuck you Dimitri!" Roxanne said with her slick mouth.

"Yeahhh you wish you could. Just for that, aye... Sabrina. Come on in let's chill. I'm tired from this holiday; I need me a cooked meal and a massage. You think you can do that or you wanna run your mouth like Miss Roxy over there?"

"No daddy! I can do that. I can do a whole lot more too." She said.

"That's what I'm talking about! Go take my bags. Aye.. Roxy. Ima holla you!" I said as I walked off.


I laughed because we both knew she would.
For some reason, Roxanne and Sabrina think they are my girls. I constantly tell them all the time that they ain't. If I'm out with a next girl which is most of the time, and they see me; they will start making a scene as if to say I'm cheating on them.

It's crazy. These girls are crazy. I've locked them off and they came begging. Shit, they came back together and we had a threesome. Was one of the best sexual experiences I've ever had.

I keep them around because they want to be around. But let's face it, who would wifey them? Not me. They are too needy and clingy. I can disrespect them, then call them back in the same hour and they come running.

Why would I want a woman like that?
But right this minute... Sabrina is the one who will do whatever I want. That's why I picked her. Roxanne is always on this "when you taking me out?" flex as if I would ever do that.

"Sabrina hurry up with my food. I'm hungry." I said as I sat on my sofa waiting to be fed like the King I am...

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