69. Javon

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"Javon Harrison... you're free to go. Thank you for your cooperation. We'll be in touch."

"Free to go? Cooperation? Be in touch? What the hell is going on?" I asked after leaving the cell.

Yes. Cell. I was charged for raping Alana. I could not believe it when they told me. This crazy girl fabricated a whole story that even had me thinking it could be real had it not been me!

As I stepped out of the police station the brightness blinded me. After spending two days in there I had forgotten what outside looked like for a minute.

Once my eyes got familiar with outside I noticed my wife leaning on the car waiting for me.

"Hey." I said not sure if I was going to get level headed or monster Paige.

"Heyyy... convict." She said sarcastically as she left the passenger side door open and walked around to the drivers side.

"That's not funny. I'm innocent!" I said as I got in the car.

"I know you are. That's why you're a free man."


"I gave you an alibi. This is why you are free. She dropped the charges apparently."

"You? But... you didn't even..."

"It doesn't matter. Did you do it?"


"Did you ever sleep with her?"

"Absolutely not!" I said.

Just the thought alone turned my stomach.

"Right. Then it doesn't matter whether or not I was home when you came home or whatever else. What matters is her getting sent down."

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me. Don't. Because Javon... if she doesn't go to jail. If she walks.."

"Why would she walk?"

"Oh? You don't know?"


"She's pleading insanity."

"She what???"

"Yeah. And it looks like it might just work in her favour. So as I said... if she walks free... your kids will have no mother. Because I will kill her."


"No! She's caused so much damage! I can get over all the stuff with you. But Jermaine is a daily reminder of what she did. And that... she won't get away with. So... for her sake and everyone else. Insane or not. She better go to jail. Or I will." She said as she turned the music on which was basically her saying this discussion was over.

Paige had got into trouble before, for knocking a man out. Unconscious. It only worked in her favour because there was proof he was trying to assault her.

There's no denying Paige has a temper that don't take much to be flared. So I did really hope for everyone's sake like she said, that Alana didn't walk free.

3 Months later

Today was the day of Alana's sentencing. She had been found guilty and now we was awaiting her punishment.

We wasn't allowed in as she claims she's scared of us. We waited in a room for our solicitor to come and give us the verdict.

I was feeling good about this, that was until Samson - our solicitor came in not looking too good.

"Erm.. so she was sentenced... however, it was to a psychiatric ward for a year..."

"A year?" Paige said calmly. Almost too calm.

"Yeah... erm..."

"Samson... what happens after this year?" She asked.

"Well... then there will be another trial and depending on her mental state then she may get sentenced or..."

"No." Paige said interrupting him.


"There's no or. Or means she will walk. A year? A YEAR??? Are you kidding me??? Can no one see?! Is everyone that blinded by her???" Paige said as she started walking up and down the room.

"Mrs Harrison, we can appeal and I intend on doing so."

"Oh you're damn right we will!! She's not getting away with this!!" Paige says as she gets walks out slamming the door behind her shaking the frames on the walls.

"I'll talk to her. Thank you Samson, lets get this appeal going as soon as possible."

"Will do. Sorry that we didn't get a better result."

"Not as sorry as I am." I said just before leaving.

This appeal had to work out in our favour. It just had to...

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