6. Dimitri

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Back to work and as much as I moan about it, I actually love my job.
I'm an all round handy man. You name it, I fix it.
I'm fully licensed and over the years I've built up a great clientele and they spread the word. I'm quite fair with my prices. I charge more on my time and difficulty. Some I may not even charge depending on the circumstances.

I must admit that my workload is becoming quite challenging. I'm contemplating taking on some extra help. I only have two problems with that.
One - they have to be the best. I've spent years building my brand and would be damned if I let someone come in and ruin it.
Two - it means I get to meet less women, less damsels in distress.

If I'm honest my clientele are predominantly females. Quite a few elderly who I love to help. But the women I come across, let's just say it's not just a cup of tea they offer me.

This is a reason that I'm not interested in settling down. I've had sex with so many women whilst on the job. Women with babies in the house whilst the baby is taking a nap. Women with husbands whilst they're husband is working that 9-5. All types of women.

What can I say? When they see me they find it hard to keep their hands to themselves. I reckon it's the Greek in me, I'm the aphrodisiac to these women. They see a fine young brother like myself and they just can't help themselves. And I'm a red blooded male so of course I accept their offers.

As I knock the door and wait for the woman to answer I wonder what type of woman I'll come across today.

When she opens her door I'm impressed at her natural beauty. She looks as if she's just woken up. She has on a silk red robe that shows enough but not enough at the same time, her hair looks like bed hair and she doesn't have a drop of make up on. Just like I like them.

"Hi, I'm Dimitri Campbell. You arranged an appointment with me about your bathroom sink?"

"Oh yeah. Sure, come on in." She said with an American accent as I followed her to the bathroom.

"The taps are loose and when you run the water it leaks from the bottom of the sink."

"Okay, I'll have a look at it."

"Aye Krystal! Come here!"

"Ugh. Excuse me." She said before walking off.

I believe she went next door seeing as I could hear everything that was said.


"Who's Andre?"

"Why have you got my phone Kenan?"

"I asked you a question!" The guy who she called Kenan said.

She laughs.

"Nigga please! Don't be coming up in my house, in my bed asking me who is who!"

"What do you mean? I have every right to ask you!"

"No you don't! I don't see no ring on this finger. You ain't my man! So why the hell you going through my phone and asking me about next niggas!"

I thought her American accent wasn't real but the more she spoke the stronger it became.

"You a hoe!"

"See... that's where you're wrong! I'm not a hoe!"

"Yeah! Why Andre asking to see you again to pick up where you lot left off. Where did you guys leave off?"

She laughs again.

"Look at you. 6"2 and insecure. We went cinema then to dinner. He then said it was a great night and we must go again. Now what? Stupid!"

I sniggered. This girls mouth was fire!

"Man, you ain't shit Krystal. I'm leaving."

"I ain't shit? Why? Because I get taken out by next guys? Is it my fault all your broke ass know how to do is fuck good? And even that you been slacking lately home boy!"

I wanted to burst out laughing but I was trying to mind my business. These lot was just talking way too loud.

"Oh so you're saying my dick is whack but when you was screaming my name it weren't whack then!"

"I never said it was whack I said YOU slacking! You know what... I'm not doing this with you! You was leaving... go ahead and leave. I'm not chasing you. I don't chase niggas! Go on. Bye!"

"You'll be back."

"Yeah so will you! Same time tomorrow yeah boo!" She said then laughed as she closed the door behind her. "Sorry about that."

"No need to apologise. Okay so I've fixed it temporarily. I'll have to come back next week to fix it permanently. Are you free?"

"Erm, same time next week will be fine."

"Okay cool... see you then Krystal." I said as I walked off.

"How you know my name?"

"One - it's on the paperwork and two - your homeboy said it when you was grilling him." I said and laughed as I walked out.

As I sat in my van I thought about what just went down in that house. As much as I liked how she held her own, I would have never been that Kenan fella. This is why I can't get with loud mouth girls like Krystal.

It just wouldn't work.

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