38. Dimitri

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Since everything kicked off with Aaron I've been keeping to myself and focusing on work. It really gets on my nerves when Aaron starts drinking. Aaron never wants to admit he has a problem. Yet, when on holiday he will never drink because he knows how he can get. So clearly there's an issue.

As I said my focus has been work. I've started looking into getting someone to help me because I'm starting to receive more jobs than I can actually take on.

However it's the weekend and I always give myself a weekend off every now and then. I decided to go out of London and I took Miss Krystal with me.

This was new territory for me. However I did enjoy spending the weekend with her and I'll admit. I am definitely feeling her.

The only problem with this was Krystals way of thinking. Which has me realising my way of thinking wasn't right. But on the same account if it's being thrown at me who am I to turn it down?

"What's on your mind?" Krystal asked on the drive back to mine.

"What makes you think something's on my mind?"

"I know you more than you think. When you're thinking you frown and you're very quiet. Soooo what's up?"

"Just got some stuff on my mind."

"Yo homeboy Aaron?"

"Pfft... nah. He's the last thing on my mind."

"Why? I thought you lot go way back?"

"We do..."

"So why is it so easy for you to drop him?"

"I ain't dropped him. I just ain't hollered him and he ain't hollered me."

"From what you said he's in a low place. He's just split with his girl, then he gets into a fight with not one but two of his boys. So he's lost his girl and two of his friends. That low place has just got even lower."

"So you're saying I must go to him?"

"It's not about who goes to who. I'm not saying go and apologise or welcome him with open arms. But go to him and sit him down and tell him where he fucked up and how he needs to fix the hell up! That's better than leaving ya boy high and dry."

I sat and listened and she had a point.

"You're not just a pretty face." I chuckled.

"You know this already. Now, what was bothering you." She asked.

Before I could answer I was distracted by something else.

"You have got to be kidding me." I said out loud when I pulled up to mine with Sabrina AND Roxanne standing outside.

"Oooo this should be fun."

I rolled my eyes. After such a good weekend I really wasn't trying to have it ruined by these two.

"So this the new bitch then?" Roxanne said as soon as we stepped out the car.

"Bitch?" Krystal mumbled to me.

"Please don't say a word. I will sort it."

Krystal nodded her head and never said a word.

"What are you two doing here?"

"It's one thing that I have to put up with you having Roxanne around but now a new girl? I saw on your snap that you was at some fancy hotel. So you don't take girls nowhere yet you're taking her?" Sabrina questioned.

I don't have neither of them on my snapchat. How did Sabrina know this?

"I have told you both... time and time again... me and you or me and you will NEVER be. I've even stopped hollering you both. You don't hear from me or see me. So stop all of this."

"You think that you're the only one?" Roxanne asked Krystal.

Krystal looked at me. I know I asked her to not say a word; but I don't know how much longer she would stay silent for.

"I asked you a question! Your bitch can't speak Dimitri?"

Krystal laughed.

"Honey child... oh I can speak. Furthermore I can do more than speak. It's women like you that give us women a bad name. Look at you... here grovelling and pleading for a man that don't want you! With a girl who also wants the same man as you! Does that make sense? Homeboy has told you he don't want you and never has and you're here asking ME if I think I'm the only one? Check it... if I want to be the only one... you bet your lucky stars Ima be the ONLY one! Y'all don't see him because he stays with me! Y'all call him moaning and bitching whilst I'm there rolling a spliff laughing at yo dumbasses! A bitch like me gets taken out whilst bitches like you have to beg to even let him dick you down! I ain't ever have to beg! So don't ever in yo life think you can step to me!" She said before snatching my keys out my hand and walking inside.

I laughed.

"Understand that we will never be. It was fun whilst it lasted but it's done now. Stop coming around here because you're starting to piss me off." I said closing my door behind me.

Once inside I made my way to the living room.

"See...? These girls are crazy babe."

"Yeah.. listen... take me home."


"I said.. take me home."

"Oh we going to yours?"

"No. You're taking me home. I'm going inside on my own."

"Krystal... what's wrong?"

"Your bitches should never think they can step to me. I'm not feeling that at all. Take me home Dimitri." She said.

I was so confused but I didn't argue. I just took her home. She didn't even say bye. She slammed the door and went inside. I didn't know what to do.

I drove home and tried to call her. It rang out. I tried again. It rang a few times then the call was cut. I called back and it went straight to voicemail.

"Damn." I said out loud.

What did I do wrong?

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