67. Ethan

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There's a song lyric "Karma is a bitch, well just make sure the bitch is beautiful."

And that she is. It's been about two weeks since Michaela dropped that bombshell on me. She even managed to get away as we had a half term so she could completely ignore me. But not no more! I had made it my mission that she will have to talk to me.

It had been brought to my attention that she may need some time off in the next few weeks so I assumed this was her going through with the termination. I had to stop her.

I had just pulled up to the school when my phone rang. It was Zaria.

"Hey Z."

"Hey. Is everything okay? You seemed distant at breakfast."

"Yeah I'm fine. Listen we need to talk. But I'm going into work so maybe later? I'll come to yours."

"What's wrong with your place?"

"Nothing. To be honest I'm in two minds about decorating the whole place or moving completely. Either which way I don't want to take Elijah out of routine. So your place is better."

"Hmmm... okay."

"Yeah so we'll talk later? Okay, bye." I said before walking into the school.

I was sitting at my desk knowing that within the next 5 minutes or so she would come barging into my office.

"Why the hell have you given my lesson to Jack?!"


"We need to talk."

"Ohhhhh so NOW you want to talk?! When I wanted to talk it didn't matter though?! Now you want to talk you're abusing your power by taking away my lessons?! Are you okay?"

"Look. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have ignored you and now I know exactly how you've been feeling. But please. I just want to talk. You was decent enough to tell me please be decent enough to just let me say my piece."

"I'm not changing my mind. Next week there will be no baby so what is there to talk about?!"

"Michaela... please. I don't believe in abortion."

"Okay and I don't believe in kids out of wedlock. So what now?"

"If you're doing this to spite me.. you've won."

Michaela laughed.

"Why does everything have to be about you?! I couldn't give a flying rats tail what you think or what you feel! It's my body! I'm not throwing my life away to be baby mother number 4!! I have a job and I want to focus on pursuing my career and actually finding someone who wants to be with me!"

"But that was me!"

"Ha! Don't make me laugh! You can say that to Zaria and she may fall for it but I'm much smarter than you think!"

"Look! I will beg you if I have to. I will pay you! Just please, don't get rid of my child. I'd have preferred you just did it and not told me you was pregnant then I would have never known. But you have and now I know and I can't lose a child. I'll do anything. We.. we can work things out!"

"Oh please. Your heart is with Zaria!"

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is!"

"If it was you wouldn't be pregnant right now. Zaria and I... we're complicated. But since you told me; you and the baby are all I can think of. If I wanted to be with Zaria that much would I be begging and pleading for you to keep my baby? No! In fact it would make things easier if you did go ahead and get rid but that's not what I want!"

"So you're telling me, I'm what you want?"


"You're lying."

"No. I'm not. I don't see me marrying Zaria, nor do I see a future. But with you. I see all of that."

"I don't believe you."

"Let me prove it."


"I'll give you everything you want. I'll support you and your career. Just please. Don't get rid of our baby." I said feeling myself getting emotional.

Stay strong Ethan!

"This really means a lot to you?"

"More than you will ever know. Please."

"I'm not competing with this thing you have with Zaria. I don't care what you say there's something about her you love and that's okay. But the lifestyle I want, you may be able to give me but I feel it will be forced. I want it to be real."

I walk over to her and held her hand.

"Do you still have feelings for me?"

"I'm trying not to."

"Stop. I still have feelings for you and I want this." I said touching her stomach.

She put her hands on top of mine.

"See what we could have? Just don't throw it away. I will tell Zaria. It's done. It wasn't ever healthy."

"You'll drop her? Just like that?"

"Not just like that. It won't be easy and she will give me hell but you and this baby will be worth it."

"I want to believe you."

"Don't doubt me. Trust me." I said and leaned in and kissed her.

Before you know it we are in my office at it like wild rabbits. Pregnant pussy always feels so good. I never realised it but I missed Michaela so much. The intimacy and the connection we have during sex had me realising so much.

The main thing being that being with Michaela was exactly what I wanted.

Or was it?

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