55. Dimitri

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3 Months Later

Christmas was a bit of a blur. I spent my first ever Christmas with a girl which I enjoyed. Krystal and I was in a hotel and we had a great time.

The blur bit was what took place in the evening, till early hours of this morning. You see I've just woken up and I'm in bed with Krystal but on the floor is Sabrina and Roxanne.

What the hell happened?

I was so drunk and so high. I have no clue as to what happened. In fact, I must still be sleeping because there's no way this could be real.

I felt Krystal doing her usual circles on my stomach. I turned to her.

"Babe.. are we awake?"


"Are we awake or are we dreaming?"

"Erm.. hold on." She said then pinched me.

"Ouch! Okay we're awake. Erm.. next question..." I then looked over to see if they were still there.. which they was. "Erm.. Sabrina and Roxanne..."

She laughed.

"You don't remember?"


"Don't worry. I recorded it."

My eyes opened wide.

"Recorded it? Recorded what?"

She laughed. She jumped up. I smiled at her little bump. Yes, I was going to be a father. This is why this current situation was so wild to me.


They wake up also a bit startled. The funniest part in all of this is Krystal is walking around butt naked!

"What's going on?" Roxanne asked.

"Y'all really don't remember? Sheeeiiittt!! I guess only I had all the fun then! Y'all shouldn't drink and smoke so much if y'all ain't gon remember shit. Anyway. I recorded it so y'all can watch it back. So as y'all know it was my baby birthday yesterday. So I was thinking what the hell could I get this guy. He done have everything already. Then I thought... uh oh. There's one thing he don't gots! An orgy."

I started choking.

A what?

"So I was thinking.. who could I get to take part? Soooo I invited you two. Y'all came willy nilly and we did just that. Y'all some real freaks! But y'all looking at me like I'm crazy. Let me run the tape so y'all can see what I mean."

Krystal pressed play. Then she came and laid down next to me. As soon as she laid down she came to play with my dick.

As good as that felt I was very intrigued as to what went down. Krystal was very smart, because although we can't remember it does show that she never once forced nobody to do nothing. Everyone smoked on their own account everyone drank on their own account. She couldn't be held accountable for nothing. Then shit got real interesting. Roxanne and Sabrina started kissing on each other whilst Krystal and I watched and Krystal was jerking me off to them. Then she told them to come over; one sucked my dick the other licked my balls.

Why can't I remember this?!

Then the most unthinkable thing happened. Krystal handed me a condom and the next thing you know I had put it on and was doggying Roxanne. Then they swapped and I was doggying Sabrina.

I looked over at them watching and they looked so embarrassed. Krystal on the other hand was enjoying and still playing with my dick which was rock hard now.

After going back and forth between the two. Here's where it got really interesting. Krystal and I started having sex. But this sex wasn't just sex it was more. I could tell by the look on the girls faces that they knew this too.

Krystal stopped the recording.

"So some may say I'm crazy. But I'm not. I'm a boss bitch and I'm confident with my shit! Understand... I let my man fuck you. But I made y'all watch him make love to me. Can you see the difference? Can you see how you only was put in one position? Can you see he never made one sound. But us.. we got buck wild. Understand the levels. It's a shame y'all don't remember because that was the last time y'all would ever get to feel him inside of you or in your mouth. Now, put on yo clothes and get the fuck out. If you EVER try to compare me to you two ever again, the next time I won't talk, I'll swing. Know your place and stay in yo lane. Now step." She said.

Roxanne and Sabrina never said a word. They just left.

I sat there completely gobsmacked.

"You are crazy." I said.

"Did you enjoy your birthday Papi?" She asked me innocently.

I laughed.

"What I can remember of it. Yeah. But I'm still shocked as to why you would do that."

"What? Let you fuck them? I needed some girls. It wasn't really about them it was giving you something I'll never let you have again. If we was back in Brooklyn it wouldn't have been hard."


"Well... I used to run the streets in Brooklyn."

"Run the streets?"

"Yeah. I was a pimp."

I looked at her and burst out laughing.

"A pimp?"

"Yeah. Whys that funny?"

"How old was you?"

"16. Daddy said either be a pimp or get pimped. And I wasn't finna fuck no dudes for me to have to give my money to someone else. Most my clients were older than me but because they knew Pimp Flex was my daddy. They had no choice. In ten years I didn't touch none of that money. So when I came to England I already had a good amount of money to sit on. That's my insurance money for a rainy day."

"Wow. Anything else I don't know about you?"

"I've caught two bodies. But we can talk about that another time. Right now...I really want to taste you."

I didn't argue. I just laid back and closed my eyes as Krystal gave me the sloppiest head ever.

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