45. Aaron

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I knew messing with Amber would end up a disaster. She's expecting for me to like her because she's admitted she likes me. I told her she was a rebound. She knew this.

My door opened and guess who it was?

"You're meant to knock Amber. I could have had a customer in here."

"Why have you been ignoring me?"

"Because you clearly need some time out."

"Time out?"

"Yes. You're acting as if we're together and we're not."

"We may as well be!!"

"Why because we fuck? I told you from the beginning I had no intentions being with you or anyone any time soon. So now you've caught feelings I'm the bad guy? When I've told you everything from the get go."

"Things change! People change! You're not even trying to make a change!"

I laughed.

"That's it. I'm done. I don't want no damn change! You're here trying to change me and not realising that I don't want to be changed. I'm fine as I am. Now... seeing as I can see how upsetting this is for you... I think it's best we just cool off."

"Cool off?"

"Yeah. No more sex. Only time I should see you should be at work. That's it."

"So much for me thinking you was a genuine guy. You're just like the rest."

"Yeah yeah yeah. Say what you want. But you will thank me in the long run."

"I'll never thank you." She said before leaving my office.

I didn't have time to deal with Amber. As I said she was only fooling herself. I continued with my day until it was time to go home.

On my drive home I decided to pick up some food as I couldn't be bothered to cook. I felt for a kebab so that's what I got. The aromas filled my car and I could not wait to get home and devour this food.

As I pulled up and jumped out of the car I lost my appetite at just the sight of seeing Gianna.

What the hell does she want?

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I tried to call you but I'm assuming you've blocked my number. I need my passport. I must have left it in the kitchen draw."

"Okay I'll get it for you."

"Can I come in? I need to use the toilet. The baby is pressing on my bladder."

"I don't really care, but I'm not a bad person so yeah. Use the downstairs one."

"Thank you."

I went and got her passport. I was sitting on my sofa when she came out of the toilet.

"It's on the table." I said to her not taking my eyes off the tv.

"Thanks, well I know you don't care but I'm going to say it anyway. I'm truly sorry for what I've done. You'll never have to see me again. That's why I came for my passport. I'm going back home."

I looked up.

"You're going to Guyana?"

"Yeah. Going to live with my grandparents."

"Okay." I said. I wasn't really bothered.

"I hope one day you'll find it in your heart to forgive me. Not for my sake, but for yours. You know it's not good to harbour feelings. We both know how you can get. Anyway... goodbye Aaron." She said then left.

Today has just been a very long day. I decided to go to the gym to left off some steam. When I came out I felt much better. I looked at my phone to see six missed calls from Javon.

Six missed calls? That can't be good.

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