46. Dimitri

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"I've had good reviews about you guys. Keep it up and there will be a pay rise in it before your six month review." I said to Jayden and Jason.

They were brothers and they were hard working. When I was told to take them on I was a bit sceptical but they do such a great job and have made my work load even easier even with extra work now coming our way.

Their uncle even gave us three vans with my logo on it. That made me feel real good about myself. It was another way to promote my business when on the road.

It also had me thinking about investing in a small office space, hiring a receptionist and a few more guys to help. It was definitely something I would be looking in to.

I pulled up to my last appointment for the day. When she opened the door she gasped.

"Hello..." she said seductively.

"Hi, I'm Dimitri Campbell. I'm here to fix the broken window you have?"

"Yeah, come this way." She said.

I noticed she was trying to walk sexy as her hips was swinging way more than they should. I just shook my head.

The whole time I was tending to her broken window she kept trying to converse with me. Offering me drink, asking me what made me start my business. I answered as monotone as possible so there would be no way she could think I was interested.

It really did not stop her trying. She even took off the cardigan she had on to show her stomach and cleavage as she had on a revealing belly top.

She was doing everything that would have some guys lusting over her. But me, I wasn't interested.

"Right, I'm all done. Don't touch it for 24 hours and then that should be fine. Any problems give me a call during office hours." I said to her.

Just as I was about to leave someone came through the door.

"Really? Karen? This is what you're doing when I'm at work?"

I looked at him then looked at the woman he called Karen, who now had her cardigan as if she was trying to cover herself as if she just got caught naked!

"It's not what you think Daniel!"

"It never is with you! Yo, who are you?" He said turning to me.

"I'm the guy your... girlfriend? Called because she has a broken window. If you look outside you will see that I have my work van out there. So whatever you think this is or whoever you think I may be to your girl  I'm not. I understand why you would think there's something going on though. Because up until you walked in your girl was acting very much single. So check your girl and not me." I said before leaving.

When I got into my car I had to laugh. Had I entertained that situation chances are her man would have caught me with my trousers down to my ankles blowing out his girls back!

Women are dangerous and that's why I had to give him a heads up! But by the look of things he already knew what kind of girl he was dealing with.

On my way home I thought about how uninterested I was in this girl, despite how pretty she was and I knew it was because I still had Krystal on my mind. I don't know why. She made her feelings pretty clear and I refused to beg her.

Once home, I jumped in the shower then sat on my sofa to enjoy a quiet night in. It's rare I get those.

Just as I got comfy I looked at my phone to see three missed calls from Javon.

That's not like him. Hope everything's alright.

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