57. Ethan

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I tried reaching out to Michaela but she doesn't want to know. All she wants to do is be civil for the sake of us having to work together. All I could do was respect her wishes.

Tomorrow was Elijah third birthday and we was having a party for him at my mums. Zaria refused to talk to me or be at my house so we had to have it at my mums.

As much as my mum loves her grandkids she wasn't happy to hold the party as she had just had everyone here for Christmas. So guess who was getting an earful?

"You just don't have sense do you?"

"Mum... please."

"No. You have been trying to avoid me. Think I don't know?"

"I've been busy ma."

"Busy my ass. You broke Zaria heart you know."

"Hold on... wasn't it YOU that didn't want me with her?"

"Don't question me! I'm your mother! I may not approve of her but I don't want you breaking no girls heart! Had you listened to me and not been messing around with her in the first place and just coparented then this wouldn't be an issue!"

"Look, she ain't even trying to talk to me. My only focus right now is my boys and the fact it's Elijah birthday party. Everyone else, everything else, can jog on." I said as I was sorting out the soft drinks.

"Yeah. It's all well and good you saying that now but tomorrow you will have to face each other. What you going to do? Not talk to each other? Oh your sons birthday? I swear, I wonder sometimes how you could be my son. You are so stupid."

I looked at my mum and laughed. If she wasn't insulting me then she wasn't being my mother. She was right though. Once I finished up what I was doing I went over to Zaria's house. She could ignore me all she liked over the phone but face to face she couldn't.

"Ugh. What are you doing here? What do you want?" She said as she opened the door.

"How nice... where's Elijah?" I asked walking in.

"You can't just walk up in here! It's not your house!"

"Funny. You and the other two should remember that when you do it to me."

"Whatever. What do you want Ethan?"

"I came to see my son. I also came to talk to you. Look, I'm sorry. I would have preferred to have told you myself. But there's not even nothing to tell. Michaela is no longer in the picture."


"I never told her I had three mothers to my kids. She assumed it was just one. She didn't want to be involved." I told her.

I could have sworn she wanted to smile.

"Well... that's what you get. You just can't be honest to no one can you?"

"Don't start. I'm sorry okay. Look I care about you but I just don't know if I could ever be with you..."

"Yeah you've been saying this! Change the record."


"No! I'm tired of being nice and polite for people to treat me like a doormat! I made a mistake! I know! But I'm the mother of YOUR child. I deserve honesty and to be treated right. Either we get back together or we don't but there's no "just sex" because it's not JUST sex to me!"

"I never ever force or instigate anything from you. You come to me."

"You could say no."

"Am I gay?"

She kisses her teeth.

"That's the only reason I'll say no. Furthermore when I saw you was getting attached it was ME who said we should stop. So how am I the bad guy?"

She stayed silent.

"You let them two get into your head too much. But let me tell you something about them two. They are NOT your friend. Tamara hates my guts because I left her because I wasn't ready to settle down and be a father. Then what did I do? Two years later I had another child. Whitney, she envies Tamara and you because she wanted what you lot had. A relationship. I never wanted that with her. She trapped me! Tamara only talks to Whitney so she can find out stuff. Same with you. You think Tamara likes any of you? Deep it. If I went to Tamara now and said I wanted to get back with her, see how fast she would drop you two. You're not poisonous like them but if you keep hanging with them you will be."

"I'm not stupid. I'm smarter than everyone thinks or gives me credit for. Look, I just want Elijah to have a great day tomorrow."

"And he will, so... we good?" I asked putting my arms out for a hug.

She smiled.

"We good." She said as she hugged me.


Elijah birthday party was in full swing. I was even glad to see Paige. It was obvious her and Javon wasn't really talking but the fact she was here was nice.

"Where's Aaron?" Javon asked.

"He's running late. Said something about him bringing a girl and that he was going to get her first."

"A girl?" Dimitri asked.

"Yeah..." I said not really paying attention.

I had just received a text from someone I didn't expect to text me.

Michaela: Hey. Happy Birthday to Elijah. Hope he has a great day. I need to speak to you; not at school, somewhere out of school hours. Let me know when you're free.

I was very intrigued. But whatever it was I would deal with it later. Today was Elijah's day and right now that's all that matters.

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