59. Aaron

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Remember when I spoke about a brothers intuition? Well it's back. Something wasn't right. But as it was Ethan's sons birthday I decided to leave it.

Decided to leave it until the party came to an end, then I went to to Dimitri.

"Yo, what's up?" I asked him.


"You've been acting real weird."

"No I ain't."

"Cmon bro. I know you."

"Ite. Come on. Not here though. Let's go outside." He says.

We go outside.

"So? What's up."

"Nothing's up. I just... ah man. There's no easy way to say this init. But a long long long long long time ago; I slept with Amber... it was just the once though! So seeing her here. With you. Was just a shock."

I started laughing. This wasn't happening to me. Nope. No way.

"You sure? Might be someone that looks like her."

"Why would I want to tell you this if I wasn't sure?"

"Tell me something. Something only you would know if you fucked her."

I looked at Aaron as if he was crazy.


"Nah because I feel you're trying to fuck with my head!"

"I'm not!"

"Tell me something then!"

"It was ages ago! I don't remember! I just know her face. Actually... she has a huge birthmark on her stomach."

Next thing you know I'm pushing Dimitri he's pushing me, we're shouting. Then Ethan and Javon are pulling us apart.

"What the hell?!?!" Ethan said.

"You really trying to fight me bro?!" Dimitri said.

"You ain't my bro snake!" I said.

"Snake? How am I a snake?"

"If I didn't take you a side and ask you you would have never said."

"Yes I would! It wasn't the time though!! It's Elijah birthday! We're here for him!" Dimitri said.

"Thank you! Glad someone ain't forgetting why they're here!" Ethan said looking at me.

"Ite. My bad, I'm sorry."

"What was you lot even fighting over?" Javon asked.

"Nothing." Dimitri said.

Amber, Krystal and Paige walks over and I notice Amber avoids eye contact with Dimitri.

"You ready?" Amber asks.


"Because I'm ready. I want to go."


"Why you asking me why?"

"Do you know him?" I asked her.

"Cmon bro. Not here." Dimitri said.

"Yeah. Not here Aaron." Amber said.

"So it's true? You two have fucked?"

"Say what now?" Krystal said.

"Oh shit." Paige said.

"Huh?" Javon said.

"Yano what. Like D said. Not here." Ethan said.

"Cool. I'm out." I said to them. "Cmon." I said to Amber.

The car journey was a quiet one. However, as soon as we got inside it's like I unleashed a beast.


"So it's true. You lot really fucked?"

"Yes! Like 5 years ago! It was just the once!"

"Shouldn't have happened."

"Hold up! I'm sorry I never rubbed a glass ball to know if I was going to end up with a guy I've fucked friend! Furthermore... I see no ring on my finger! Why you getting worked up? You ain't even trying to have me as your girl! You are happy to have me here to keep you company but that's it! Now you know someone else has slept with me you're acting all territorial?! I'm not with your shit Aaron!"

"You're the mother to my child! Yet you've fucked my friend. Makes you seem like a hoe." I said.

As soon as those words left my mouth I was greeted with a slap to my face.

"I'll tell you what a hoe is. Your ex! Don't you ever call me no hoe when your ex was fucking you and her ex! You know what? I don't need to put up with your shit! You. Ain't. My. Man!" She said and on that note she left.

To say I was pissed was an understatement. I felt like no matter what I couldn't catch a break. I know I didn't handle any of this right and I would have to fix shit yet again.

But what really bothered me was how annoyed I was. They say if you are annoyed so much it's because you care. Truth be told I got used to the idea of Amber being a mother to my child. I even started thinking if we would work out. I guess I didn't realise how much I was feeling her until shit hit the fan...

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