37. Aaron

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I hate being compared to my father. My father was an abusive alcoholic. He was the reason my mother left. When he couldn't abuse my mum he decided to go to the next best thing; me.

Wasn't until I turned sixteen did I start fighting against him. That's when he kicked me out with me ending up in care.

I decided to contact the one person who knows everything about me.

"Hello Aaron." Jennifer said when she answered.

"Hey Jennifer. I need to talk to you. It's happened again..."

"Oh dear. Let me see what I can do. Hold on... erm, you can come see me for four?"

"Four is perfect."

"Okay see you soon." I said.

I showered and tidied up the house a bit to let a few hours pass. Before you knew it, it was time to go see Jennifer.

"Hey..." I said shyly as I entered Jennifer's office.

"Hello Aaron, I was hoping I wouldn't have to see you anymore; well under these circumstances anyway. Have a seat, tell me what's happened." Jennifer said.

I told her everything that happened with Gianna; then what happened when the guys came around and then today with me and Javon.

"... I'm not like him Jennifer.. I'm not." I said.

"I know you're not, but can you see why people would compare you to him?"

"Yeah. But they shouldn't. I didn't hit Gianna."

"I don't think they think you're abusive. I think it's the person you become when you drink. Do you know the person you become?"

"Yeah. I hate it. But I don't know why when I start drinking I become this person."

"You do..."

I kept my head down.

"Coming here was a mistake..."


"No. I hate coming here."


"Because... it makes me think about things I don't want to."

"Like what?"

"You know what? Just forget it." I said as I got up to leave.

"I'm here whenever you need Aaron."

"Yeah." I said. Then I left.

Jennifer was a counsellor. But she was also my mums best friend and my Godmother. I would go to her whenever I felt I was spiralling out of control. But just like today I would end up leaving before getting to the root of the problem.

When I got in my car I saw I had a text. It was from Amber:

Hey. Just thought I'd check in on you. If you're free later we could go for some drinks. xA.

Don't do it Aaron.

I messaged her back.

Yeah, we can go for drinks later. I'll call you in a bit.

It didn't matter how much I didn't show interest Amber was always trying. It's clear drinks ain't the only thing she wants. So I've decided to give her exactly what she wants.

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