53. Javon

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3 months later.

It's been three months since the incident. Three months since I've been staying at my mums. Jermaine is finally being released from hospital and I couldn't be happier. The doctors have advised us what to do in regards to his breathing and at nights we have to have fun using the breathing machine just to help him.

Today I have decided I'm not staying at my mums a minute longer. One - she's getting on my last nerves. I'm a grown man and she's treating me like I'm still a teenager. Two - every time I have to leave my home and my kids to go to my mums it tears me apart. Paris is always crying because she doesn't want me to leave.

So whether Paige likes it or not; I'm back. Besides it's Christmas in a few days. I'll be spending it with my family and I won't be leaving my house.

As I bring my stuff in Paris comes running to me.

"Daddy!!" She said.

Paige walks out in some short shorts with no top on as she's breast feeding Jermaine.

Damn my wife is so beautiful.

"I didn't know you was coming by. I would have made myself decent."

"For what? It's your home and it's not nothing I haven't seen."

"Whatever. What's with the bags?"

"I'm coming home."

"No you ain't."

"This isn't up for discussion. I'm a grown man and I ain't living with my mother when I have a wife and kids at home."

"About that..."


"I want a divorce..."

I laugh.

"You took too much morphine at the hospital didn't you?"

"I'm being serious."

"Okay, well you're not getting one."


"You heard me. I've had it up to here! I'm not a bad guy! I'm a good guy! I made one bad decision and you're acting like I slept with someone else and have kids elsewhere!!"

"One bad decision... ONE BA... hold that thought." Paige said as she walked off.

When she came back she had a top on and no Jermaine.

"One. Bad. Decision? This "one bad decision" is what's cost you you're marriage! This one bad decision is what's caused our son to have breathing problems for the rest of his life! So excuse me if I'm not seeing it as calmly as YOU!!"

"You want to give this bitch what she wants? Us to be over?"

"I don't care. She wants you that bad she will kill me? I'm not fighting for you! I shouldn't have to!"

"You ain't! I don't want her! She's no threat!"

"No. Threat?"

"You know what I mean."

"Nah I don't think I do."

"Paige don't do this."

"I'm not doing anything. I'm tired. You want to stay here? Fine. Sleep in your man cave. After the Christmas you will give me my divorce Javon."

"No I won't."

"You don't get it do you? I can't be with you. Every time I look at you I see her. I see her saying that if she can't have you then neither can I. Me.. YOUR WIFE!! I just... I can't." She said as she walked off.

I sighed and took my stuff to my man cave. This was the first time coming to my man cave and me not wanting to be here. I guess knowing that this will be where I lay my head from now is the reason why.

My man cave used to be my getaway from Paige and Paris when they do their crazy singing. Or when Paige has her girls around. But now it's like it's no longer my getaway but now my prison.

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