64. Javon

68 6 7

February 14. ❤️

"Thanks for this Paula." I said to Paige's sister as we finished up the last little stuff to what I had planned for Valentine's Day.

"It's okay. If my sister doesn't come around just let me know and I'll sort her out."

I laughed nervously.

"I just hope she does come around."

"She will. I know my sister. If she wasn't going to come around she would have left already. The fact she's still in the same house means she ain't ready to leave she's just still upset."

"You reckon?"

"I know. Right, let me get going. I have my own Valentine's Day to get ready for."

"Of course. Right. Again, thanks for this."

"No worries she said."

An hour later and I could hear Paige coming through the door.

"What the..."

"Happy Valentine's Day & Happy Anniversary Mrs Harrison."

She looked at me and I could have sworn her eyes were glistening.


"No. Wait. Just do me this one thing. Go upstairs. Have the bath I just finished setting for you and let me treat you the way you deserved. The past few months haven't been easy so let me reward you and thank you for being the great woman you have been."

"You set me a bath?"

"It's ready for you right now."

"What's that I smell? You cooked?"

"One thing at a time. Bath time first." I said.

Paige nodded and did as she was told. Paige likes to bath for exactly 30 minutes. No more, no less. I made sure to time it right. By the time she came out I had set up the massage bed for her.

"Oh? A massage too?"

"That's compulsory." I said.

She dropped her towel and my manhood instantly raised. It's been about 6 months with no action, no loving, no nothing. My wife was a goddess. After two kids her body still curved liked a figure 8.

"Mmmm..." she said as I went to work massaging her.

I knew I worked magic with my hands. This was why Paige always asked for a massage. Deep down I know she missed little things like this that I would do for her. But this was a decision Paige chose. I was just hoping this would change her mind.

After the massage I went downstairs to share out the dinner. Not long after Paige came down in a red silk robe; looking very relaxed.

"How you feeling?" I asked.

"Real good you know. Thank you." She said as I brought over her food.

"Did you make this?" She gasped when she saw her favourite meal on the plate.

"I did you know. Was easy. Who needs to get takeaway anymore when I know how to make a prawn and chicken pad Thai." I said as I sat down with my food.

"What's on your plate?"

"I made myself a prawn curry."

"Oooo can I taste?"

"You don't like curry."

"I know. But it looks and smells delicious." She said.

I smirked and let her eat from my plate.

"Mmmm.. that's actually quite nice."

"Thank you." I said.

"You're right. We won't need to get takeaway anymore. This is delicious! Got me my own little chef!" She said.

"Your own chef?"

"Well I've always known you can cook but I didn't know you could cook this!"

"That wasn't what I meant..."

"I know what you meant..."

Silence. Silence as we both stared at each other.

"I... I erm... I got you something..." Paige said breaking the silence.

"You did?"

"Yeah... well I had kind of got it months ago and put it down for our anniversary. You know me..."

I smiled.

"Yep. Never one for last minute gifts."

"No way. Let me go get it." She said.

I sat wondering what she could have got me. After being with someone for as long as we have it starts getting harder trying to top what you got the year before. Last year she got me a golf membership lasting a year. I love golf so I appreciated that.

"Here you go" she said with a smile.

I took the gift bag, inside was a rectangle jewellery box. I opened it and smiled. It was a silver bracelet.

"Do you like it?"

"I do. I really do."

"Look on the other side."

I turned the bracelet around and it was engraved.

P & J Forever 💟

I looked up.

"I love this Paige. Thank you."

"Your welcome."

"One thing though... this says... forever..." before I could say anything else Paige got up and walked over to me.

Taking me by the hand and leading the way upstairs she looked back at me and said...


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