76. Ethan

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Weeks have gone by and I honestly felt sick. I haven't seen my daughter. I don't do not seeing my kids.

Michaela is on maternity leave and she's not at her house. I know her family live out of London. Problem is I never met them so I have no clue where she could be.

I decided that she would have to come back to her house eventually. Even if it was for some stuff. So I decided that everyday after work I would drive by hers to see if she was in.

Today... I was in luck. I watched as she got out of the cab and take out a baby car seat. I waited until she was inside before hopping out and knocking the door.

She opened it.

"What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you! You've blocked me on everything! That's very irresponsible and childish of you. We have a child together you know."

"Don't remind me." She said rolling her eyes.

"I get you hate me... I get it. But don't punish our daughter. I may be a lot of things. But I'm a good father. Let me see her. Please..."

She did a heavy sigh before standing to the side.


"Yeah. I need sleep and I need to tidy my house and start packing. So you can look after her."


"I'm going sleep. All the stuff you need are in the kitchen." She said before going off to her room.

I got up and did a bottle for when my daughter would need it.

My daughter... I don't even know her name. I decided to go ask Michaela but she was out cold. I left her to sleep and just spent time with my daughter.

It was going well for the most part. Then she just started crying and wouldn't stop. She was crying so much you would have thought someone was hurting her.

"Give her to me." A tired Michaela said.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you." I said.

"Okay okay ush ush ush mummy's here. Mummy's here Elisha." She said as she started breast feeding.

Just like that, there was no more crying.

"Elisha? Is that her name?"


"Thank you. It's beautiful. She's beautiful... you both are..."

"Don't make me puke."

"Listen... Michaela I fucked up. I know. I just didn't know how to end it without hurting her. But I didn't want her. I don't want her."

"The day our daughter was born, did you or did you not come from her house?"


"Did you sleep with her?"


"That's all I need to know. I'm not interested Ethan. You can't be faithful. You can't let her go. So I have taken myself away. I know my worth and it's way more than you."


"No! You listen! I'm only here because I need to pack. I'm leaving London. You've tarnished it for me. You can come and have Elisha every other weekend or one weekend a month or whatever. But we ain't staying here."

"You can't leave!"

"That's just it... I can. Unlike the other mothers to your kids... I. Don't. Need. You."

"But I need you! Please! What can I do?"

"You can stop begging. You can take Elisha and allow me to pack. That's what you can do." She said as she handed me over a sleeping Elisha.

I felt defeated. I knew there was no point arguing so I allowed her to pack. Whilst she packed I watched her, I watched her and I wanted to kick myself.

I hate Zaria! Not because she exposed me but because she's indeed running around with the other two and causing me nothing but grief. She, just like the others; has finally shown her true colours. They all say they're taking me to court. For what I don't know because I do right by my kids but I'm ready for them.

Michaela was nothing like them and I can't believe I've blown it. I needed to convince her to stay.

"What's your plans for Christmas?"

"It's September... I've just given birth. Christmas isn't on my mind."

"Right right right...well... I'm going Jamaica this year. We all are. The guys and their families. I'm bringing the boys. Would love for you and Elisha to come."

She laughed.

"Are the other three of your sons mothers coming?"

"Oh no way."

"Thought as much. So why are you inviting me?"

"Because Elisha isn't even 6 months, nor will she be come Christmas. As good as I am with kids. I would feel better if you was there."

"I'm not coming. You need to get used to not always having Elisha around when you want."

"Please Michaela!!"

"Don't beg me. The last time you begged me I forgave you and now look."

"Okay, okay. You ain't too sure about the holiday. What if I prove to you I have really changed. I want us to work. I won't rush it. Just friends co parenting. If you do decide to come Jamaica... separate rooms. Please Michaela."

"Why don't you just leave me alone...?"

"Because I love you!"

Michaela looked at me.

Did I just say that?

"You what?"

"I.. I love you Michaela. I messed up big time. But I swear, I'll do whatever to make it right. I don't even see my kids mums. They drop them to my mums I collect them. I don't communicate with any of them."

"So? The fact still remains you cheated."

"And I'm trying to show you I can change. I want this family. I want my boys to come over and always see you; to be able always see their baby sister."

"Well what you want isn't going to happen. Not this time."

"I... I can stay here. With you!"

"And why would I want you to do that?!"

"Looking after a baby isn't easy. Look how you crashed as soon as you gave Elisha to me! And that's okay. That happens! Just let me help."

"I don't need your help!"

"Please Michaela. Please."...

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