15. Ethan

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"Today's fight definitely put you in the kids good books." I said to Michaela.

"You think?"

"I know. The boys were talking about you. Think you got some of them crushing over you." I said as I pulled up to Michaela's house.

"I don't want them crushing over me. I want to be respected and looked up to."

"They did before and they do even more now. You held it down and you stopped two boys fighting. You put them in their place and cancelled today's PE lesson. They would usually be bitching but they wasn't. When I went to talk to them in the changing rooms they said they think you're cool."



"So why would they start fighting in my lesson?"

"Lamar and Amari always fight. Then they're best friends again. Don't take it personal."

"Hmmm.. I'm just glad it's Friday I get a break from those terrors."

"Don't let it get you down. It's an all boys school. Fights are bound to happen. You did great."

"Thanks. Well thanks for the lift. See you Monday."

"Yeah, see ya Monday." I said.

Okay so I know what I said and I assure you, it's innocent. Me and Michaela are just friends. But the fact she still shadowing me, it's not like we won't see each other and have to speak. I like her, we have a great connection.

My phone rang and it was Zaria.

"Hey Zee."

"Hey, just a heads up. Your crazy BMs are looking to turn up to your house and leave the boys on the doorstep."

"What? I'm not even home."

"I told them you may still be at work. They don't care. I said I'll take the boys and drop them off later they said no and that I should come and dump Elijah on you too."

All I could do was sigh.

"Thanks for the heads up. I'm on my way. Bring over Elijah." I said before cutting the call.

As always, me having my kids is never a problem. I've planned to go on dates then turned around and cancelled because they turned up with the boys. I'll always put my boys first, it's just a shame that these mothers to my children never want to pick up the phone and call me or when they do come around they're stuck on loud.

Just as I pull up to my house I see them all outside.

"So why when I come around you ain't here?" Whitney hyped up.

"Hey boys, why don't you lot go inside?" I said ignoring Whitney.

Once inside and settled I went back outside hoping they would have left but to my luck they was outside waiting.

"Took your time! Listen yeah ETHAN..." I didn't even let her finish I grabbed her and pinned her to my wall.

"Let me clear something up for you..."

"Owwww Ethan you're hurting me!" Whitney moans.

"Ethan get your hands off of her!!" Tamara said trying to get me off of Whitney.

"BACK. OFF. Tamara!!" I barked after her.

"Do you know how much I HATE you Whitney? I despise you! I love Ezra to bits but I swear to GOD I wish you wasn't his mum!"

Tears fell from her eyes but I really didn't care. Whitney was the worst! She loved to give it the large but it was all an act to be best buddies with Tamara.

"Da da da da" I heard.

I turned around to see Elijah waddling over to me.

"Heeeyyyy lil man! Go on inside. Daddy's coming. Take him inside Zee..." I said to her.

"Nah. EJ & Ezra... come get your baby brother." She shouted.

EJ ran and got Elijah.

"Where was I?" I said turning back to Whitney.

I went to grab her but this time Tamara and Zaria stopped me.

"Oh so it's the baby mother brigade standing united now?"

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you not to call them Baby Mothers!" I heard my mum say.

Just great! Who else is going to turn up?

"Mum... what you doing here?"

"Zaria called me and it's a good thing she did."

I looked at Zaria and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I can handle this." I said to my mum.

"No but you can't. This is the last time I'm coming around here. You two need to stop thinking you have the right to come around here without calling my son. My son is not a useless man. He works! If you want him to have his children you know he will. You call him! You communicate with him! You lot act like you don't want him, but you are so angry and bitter every time I see or hear anything to do with you. You call me to moan about my son yet you never call him. If you do call him you're giving him attitude. My son don't owe you nothing other than to be a good father to his kids and that he is! Any time you dump them on him like they're an inconvenience to YOU he has them, no arguments. If I have to hear about one more incident like this... I'll be sure to make my son take you to court and have a restraining order to prevent you lot coming to his house and for him to meet you elsewhere. Act like you lot have some sense! And you... if I see you attempt to go for or put your hand on any of these women... no. ANY woman I'll disown you. No son of mine raises their hand to a female. You chose to sleep with these girls now you have children with them. Deal with it! Now where are my grandbabies?"

"Inside." I mumbled.

"Good. Let me see them before I leave." She said before walking inside.

I hate when my mum gets involved. I never ask her too. She just always appears. Like she has this radar!

I looked at Whitney and Tamara.

"I may just do what my mum said. Tired of you just turning up and arguing with me. Do it one more time and I'm getting the courts involved. Now move off my property." I said.

They left and never said a word.

"And you.. I know you mean well but I'm a grown man. I don't need my mum fighting my battles for me Zaria. So... you can go too. I'll drop Elijah to yours on Sunday." I said.

She looked sad. She never said a word she just gave me his bag and left.

It was about time my children's mother respected me. I've done nothing wrong. It's not my fault I don't want them is it?

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