65. Aaron

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"Erm... oh. You're still here?" My boss says popping his head through my door.

"Ermm yeah. It's not 5 just yet." I say with a light chuckle.

"No, no, no. That's not what I meant. I thought you would be at the hospital."

"Hospital? Why?"

"You don't know?"

"Don't know what?"

"Amber had a fall."

"Oh. Right."

"You don't seem bothered."

"I'm sure she will update me."

"Are you for real?"


"The mother to your child has fallen... on her stomach. Both her and the baby could be in distress. And you're just so nonchalant about it."

"Chances are she doesn't even want me there. I'm not trying to add to her distress."

"That's a cop out. Look. You can go."

"It's cool, I'll..."

"It's not an option. You ain't staying here. So you can leave. No, you will leave. Whether you go or not is on your head. But I've dismissed you for today." My boss said before walking off.

Can you believe it?

I grabbed my stuff, went and asked what hospital Amber was taken to and I made my way to the hospital.

I didn't know what personality of Ambers I was going to meet today. She was always showing another side to her that shocked me more than the one before.

When I arrived she was in a room sleeping. Or so I thought.

"What are you doing here?"

"I heard you had a fall. Phil gave me the rest of the day off. Told me to come and check on you."

"I see..."

"Is everything okay? Are you and the baby okay?"

"Just about to find out." She said looking over my shoulder.

I turned to see a doctor coming in.

"Hi Amber. So we are just going to do a quick scan and make sure everything is fine."

"Okay." Amber said sounding quite scared.

I walked over to her and held her hand. After the midwife applied the gel to Ambers stomach we all looked at the monitor.

I wasn't sure what to look for first, then when I looked properly I could actually see our baby.

"Well... everything seems okay. Baby is a bit distressed but you did just have a fall. I recommend you take the next week off. Bed rest. Lots of vitamins. By then your little one should be much better. I will schedule you to come in next week just to check on you, then next month and so forth." She said as she looked at her files. "So you're just gone 20 weeks. Would you like to know if you're having a boy or a girl?"

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