71. Dimitri

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The day I lost my virginity I felt like a man. The day I got my first job I felt like an even better man. The day I started my own business, I was a grown man and never once thought nothing could trump this feeling.

But being a father has to be the greatest feeling in the world. Krystal gave birth to our daughter Diamond and she was the prettiest little thing in the world.

In all fairness she looked like all my sisters when they were babies. Since Krystal has given birth the house has been non stop crazy.

Everyone comes around. Mum is here everyday. Dad comes on the weekend. My brother has just decided to start chilling with me more often. Princess comes around here and there, Destiny wants first hand at baby sitting and as that's the profession she's in I said she will be the first I call. Faith and Hope not only come over but bring their daughters too. Paige is always here. Out of all the girls Paige and Krystal get on the most and I feel that's due to them both being crazy! Amber comes around but as she just gave birth recently we haven't see her as much. These past few months have just been mental.

Today is Krystals birthday and she says she doesn't want no big fuss. But my baby is turning 30 and you only turn 30 once! So with that being said I said I'll do a little barbecue. Little does she know I have a little surprise for her up my sleeve.

My phone rings and it's my dad.

"Hey old man."

"Less of the old. Anyway I've got this surprise. It came in earlier than expected."

I looked at the time.

"Yeah like two hours earlier!" I said.

"I know. I was thinking to keep it with me until I get there."

"Yeah if you could that would be great."

"No problem son. See you later."

"Yeah see you later."

Okay crises averted. The barbecue was set up the guys were here and so were the girls. I didn't tell her I was bringing the family around although I guess she would expect them to be there. I made Faith take her to get a full spa pampering before coming here.

Faith messaged me to say they was on their way. I messaged my dad for him to come with the surprise.

About an hour later and everything was in full swing. Krystal was loving that today was her day and everyone was here for her. The sun was shining and the vibes were nice.

I looked at all the children that surrounded us and I smiled. Never in a million years did I think this would be me but here I am a family man and loving it.

"Erm... Hi guys. Can I get everyone's attention please..." I said as everyone looked my way. "Thanks, Krystal, come."

She walked over to me and I held her hand.

"First of all I just want to say... Happy birthday to you. My best friend, my ride or die. My woman, my counsellor. My everything. Everyone here knows me and knows what I WAS like... you came along in such a weird way and changed that. If someone told me, that on that day, coming to your house, would have caused all of this; I would've told them they're lying. Nevertheless I'm glad it happened. Look around you babe. Yes, these are my family and friends but they are yours too. They wouldn't be here today if that wasn't the case. I know you say you don't have any family and maybe not by blood but these lot are here to stay."

"Yeah! Even when you have enough of him!" My dad shouted making us all laugh.

"Yeah! Thanks dad! Anyway, Krystal I had been racking my brain on what to get you. You're a simple girl who likes the finer things and it's been a year now and I reckon we've done most if not all. But there was one thing I knew I could do that money couldn't buy." I said.

And with that being said I stood to the side. Then in walked Krystals dad.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!! OH MY GAD!! NOOOOO!!" She said as she cried. They embraced in a hug that had everyone smiling.

"Hey.. why you crying?" Her dad asked.

"How? You.. you have a criminal record!" She said.

"Yeah thanks baby girl make errbody know your dads a convict!" He said making us all laugh.

"I'm so sorry! I'm just so overwhelmed. I had a baby! You're here! You can see her!" She said.

Krystal looked like a kid who had been brought to a candy store.

"Yeah I know. I've been speaking with your man. He has told me everything. I'm so proud of you. You do know that right?"

She started crying some more.

"Awwww!" Everyone said.

"Y'all don't awwww me I'm still gangster! Don't forget it!" She said making us all laugh.

"But Krystal. I'm not quite finished."I said.

She looked at me.

"What more could you possibly do?"

"One of the reasons your father is here is because I needed his approval."


"Yes." I said as I got on one knee.

Everyone gasped.

"Oh my god!"

"Krystal. I have never ever wanted to get married. But you, you changed that. You make me want to be a married man and do this family thing right. So with that being said. To the love of my life... Miss Krystal. Would you do me the honour of marrying me?"

Krystal started crying again.

"Oh my god. Yes!" She said.

Cheers echoed through the garden. I put the ring on Krystal finger then stood up and we kissed.

As we kissed all I could think about was how happy Krystal has made me and I could not wait until she had my last name.

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