30. Dimitri

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As I laid in bed with Krystal I found it weird that after sex we would still sleep together. Usually I would leave or they would leave. Instead she likes to lay on my chest and use her finger to draw imaginary circles on my stomach.

"Something's bothering you." She said.

"What makes you say that."

"Your breathing is different."

"You're a doctor now?"

She giggles.

"No, but I always lay on your chest. Your breathing is different today. What's up?"

"Nothing. Have you ever been in love before Krystal?"

"Once, why?"

"So if it's only ever been just the once how do you know that that was really love?"

"Well, I was hurt when we broke up. And no other guy has been able to captivate me like he did."

"So if you was to fall in love again it would have to be like a guy to your ex?"

"No no no. I'm not competing or comparing. I'm just saying. What we had I've never had again, not even close."


"You ever been in love before?"


"Sheeiittt. So you never had your heart broken?"


"Well you need to have your heart broken. I reckon everyone does."


"It's hard to explain, but I think it helps you as a person. To know what to expect and allow the next time. Obviously there are a few exceptions that get it right the first time but that's not often."

"I don't know if I'll ever fall in love. I'm not the type to do so."

"There's no type. If you meet someone and y'all get along. You'll end up falling for them eventually. You can't help that."

"Do you know that other than you, I don't stay around after sex."

"Really?" She said as she sat up.

"Yup. I bounce or I tell them it's home time."

"And they go? Or allow you to go?"


"Sheeeiiitt. I know I treated Kenan a way but I at least let the nigga stay the night."

"But if I have no intentions for nothing more than sex, it's better someone leaves so there's no miscommunication."

"And how's that working out for you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do the girls know their place? Or they still catch feelings?"

I smirked.

"The latter."

"I thought as much. They think doing it your way will get you to like them more."

"But it never does."

"This is why things work in my favour and not the guys."

"Is it?"

"Yeah. Every time I call you come over. Or I come over to you. You ain't never left or sent me on my way. Because from the jump I've said what I wanted not gone along with what you wanted. You see I'm a down ass chic. I don't nag and we have a great time."

"You're right. You would be perfect if you weren't so much like me."

"Hold up. What does that mean?" She asks as she starts billing up.

"I mean, the fact you are down for having a fuck buddy, not catching feelings but still having other guys holla you and go out to eat with them."

"and what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, until you're trying to settle down. For instance, this is just hypothetical. But if we decided to take it to the next step. Dating and shit, all these others would have to get dropped."

"Okay so "hypothetically" if we took it to the next step; you gonna drop Roxanne and Sabrina?"

"I'm trying to drop them regardless. Roxanne come around just before I come here talking about how she loves me and all I do is hurt her. I'm not down with that because I told her what it is from the jump."

"I see. Well I'm be real witchu. I ain't dropping nobody until I see a ring on my finger. Sheeeiittt even then I'll have to see because we all know men cheat. Just look at Kenan."

We both started laughing.

"So you wouldn't drop your guys?"

"I'll drop my guys if he drops his girls. Until then, no. I like the shard you know! A guy took me there once. Why you ain't take me to the shard?" She said then started laughing.

"I'm only gonna take my girl to the shard."

"Oh shit den! Like that yeah? Okay okay. Well I'm gonna stop all this cooking and role play and just lay on my back like a starfish. I feel like you living real comfy round here and I'm only worthy of a cheap cinema date."

"Oh that was a date?"

"I know you like me Dimitri. You ain't here for just the sex. You just don't know how to handle a girl like me. I don't complain, I keep shit nasty but I'm actually a good friend to have around. You call me on your way to your jobs. I bet you don't do that with others? You just ain't realised how comfortable you are with me. It's okay though. I like you too. I just ain't dropping my niggas for you. I don't like you that much." She said before going into the kitchen. "Aye.. you want steak?"

"Yeah steak would be great." I shouted back.

I sat and thought about what she said.

Damn! Do I have feelings for Krystal? I think I do...

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