18. Dimitri

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Do you know how great life is to have sex all the time and not have no one bugging you? I never knew such a life existed.

Me and Miss Krystal have been kicking it since the day I came to "fix her sink". She finds it fun to call me and tell me something in her house needs fixing.

When I turn up I never know what to expect but there's always some role play, that surprisingly I'm down for. But what really impresses me is she don't moan or whinge. She don't ask me about no other girls. Sabrina called me once and was moaning and what did Krystal do? Rolled up a spliff for us both and when she was done we got high and had high sex.

No complications just me being able to live life happily. Now to even add more points to her she's cooking up some stuff for me and the guys for later.

"Mmm this is smelling real good you know."

"You know I throw it down." She said.

"Mmmm... that you do." I said coming up behind her.

"C'mon now. Don't start no shit, or there won't be no boys night tonight." She said.

"Mmm... as tempting as that sounds. Ima leave you to it." I said slapping her ass and going to the front room.

An hour later and the guys had all arrived and Krystal had just finished up.

"Dee... I'm done. Everything is in the kitchen."

The guys looked at me then looked at Krystal then back at me.

I laughed.

"Okay. Thanks for that babe. Ill holla you."

"Ite Zaddy! Hi boys, bye boys." She said as she grabbed her stuff and left.

"Zaddy?" They all said when she left.

I laughed. I knew that was going to have them chatting shit.

"Don't start. You lot just walked through the door!" I said laughing.

"Yeah but... hold on." Javon starts sniffing. "Brooo you cooked?"

"Nah... Krystal did."

"Krystal?" Ethan said.

"Yeah man. Come have a seat let me tell you lot about my extra curricular activities..." I said. I began telling them all about Miss Krystal all up until them seeing her now.

"...and yeah, here we are now." I said.

"I don't believe it." Javon said.


"Dimitri Campbell is falling for someone!" Javon said.

I laughed.

"I ain't falling for nobody. She's just good peoples to have around."

"Mmmhmmm... so he says." Aaron says.

"Ah whatever man. What's up with you guys? What's new?"

"Well, I'm never taking advice from you and Ethan." Aaron said.

"Huh?" Ethan and I both said.

"I sat and spoke to Gianna. She ain't cheating. When I mentioned that it crossed my mind she got real defensive. She just wasn't sure it was what I really wanted. Now we good and we even booked a date for the wedding. August 15th..."

"August?!" Ethan and I said.

"Yep. So we'll have to be going for some measurements soon."

"I'm glad you spoke to her. I'm glad you lot are on a good page and I'm looking forward to this here wedding bro." Javon said.

"Thanks J. I have another problem though..."

"Uh Oh." We all said.

"Yeah.. Uh Oh indeed..." Aaron said as he started telling us about Amber.

I found it amusing. Because as loyal as Aaron is, he's weak when it comes to temptation and if he's caught on a weak moment, he might just give in. I hope that doesn't happen, but it's still amusing nevertheless.

"Man, just keep telling her what you're telling her. Think you should tell Gi though. Just so you got yourself covered. That's what I did, I had to tell Paige about the crazy temp girl at work. She's out of control." Javon said.

"Really? Do tell!" Ethan said.

Javon started telling us how he found out this crazy girl has no car and no boyfriend so it was all a set up to get him to her house. He also told us about the showdown with Paige and Alana. Didn't really sound like Paige to me because she would have beat her up usually. Maybe she's changing.

"So not only do you all have one girl but you got an extra girl or two in Dimitris case, after you and I can't get this girl to get over the fact I got kids?"

We all laughed.

"You told her you had kids bro?" I said.

"Of course. You know I don't hide my kids from no one."

"Yeah I know but that was your first date with her. You could have at least left it a few dates in."

"E, don't listen to D. You did the right thing." Aaron said.

"Yeah. If she ain't interested because you got kids then that says a lot." Javon added.

"I say you just have sex with her." I said.

They all looked at me.

"What? It's clear there's an attraction. If he can't wife her why let her go to waste completely? She may be up for just sex." I said.

"Anyway.. let's not listen to Dimitri. The last fuck buddy you had poked holes in your jimmys. Or did you forget?" Aaron said.

"Oh trust me, I'll never forget." Ethan said.

"Man, I don't like how no one is never on my side." I said.

"Because the life you live only works for you." Javon said.

"That's true." Ethan said.

"Whatever man. Aye let's go see what Miss Krystal cooked for us." I said as I got up and the guys followed.

My phone went off and it was from Krystal. She sent me a nude of herself; captioned:
Me right now waiting for you Zaddy!

As much as I enjoyed having the guys over I couldn't wait for them to leave so I could go and tend to Miss Krystal...

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