42. Dimitri

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It had been a few weeks since me and Krystal had spoken... and you know what? I didn't like it. She wasn't answering my calls or responding to my messages and I wasn't trying to come across as no bugaboo.

Surprisingly my work phone rang and it was Krystal.


"Hi. Can you come and fix the sink in the kitchen. I think it's blocked." She said not really sounding like she wanted to talk to me.

"Yeah sure. When do you want me to come by?"

"This evening. Around six."

"Cool. I'll be there."

"Thanks." She said before hanging up.

I laughed. She hadn't done this in a while so hearing her call me over because something needing "fixing" made me laugh. I guess things were about to pick up where we left off.

The day crawled, but before you know it; it was six o'clock and I was outside Krystals house. When I rang the bell I was kind of excited to see her but I wouldn't show it.

Even if I wanted to show it I couldn't. When the door opened it was not Krystal!

"Erm, is Krystal here?"

"No she's gone out. But she said that you would be coming. Come in." A girl said to me.

I followed her into the kitchen. The sink was actually blocked. This wasn't a ploy to get me here.

"So erm, will Krystal be back anytime soon?" I asked the lady.

"Erm, she said if you ask any questions I was meant to say I'm not allowed to answer."

"Right." I said to her.

I never said anything else after that. In fact I decided to crack on with the job at hand. Once I was done I left and got back in my car.

I sat there for a while. I was so confused. I don't even know why she was mad at me. I was going to drive off but I decided not to.

I waited. I sat in my car and waited.

I must be mad.

It had been a hour and I was still sitting in my car. I was mad at myself. Just as I started up my engine I saw a car pull up and a guy stepped out going to the passengers side and opening the door for Krystal.

I smirked. Once the guy drove off. I went and knocked her door.

"Did I for...oh. What are you doing here?!"

"How was you date?"

Krystal laughed.

"Spying on me now?"

"Krystal I'm not playing games with you."

"Who said I'm playing games?"

"You could have called anyone to do your sink."


"Yes. Oh wait, I get it. Well I'll be sending you the bill tomorrow."


"Did I stutter? We ain't fucking no more. You need to pay me."

"Fuck you Dimitri."

"Think I'm playing?"

"I'll transfer you the money tomorrow."

"Yeah. That's what I thought. I'm not these guys you have taking you out. If you don't want to talk to me and say what your issue is then that's cool but don't think you will get a free service out of me ever again!"

"I did tell you the issue!"

"Which was what?"

"Your bitches don't know their place! They should never think they can step to me! You have allowed that. It was me who had to defend myself. You was on mute nigga!"

"Did you give me a chance! Cmon, we know you can handle your own. You did just that. I told them I'm done. I've been done! What you want me to do Krystal?"

"Don't do nothing Dimitri, it's cool."

"You know what.. I thought you was cool. I didn't think you had this behaviour in you. But I guess every girl does."

"Excuse me?"

"You're mad at me for no reason! But I ain't ever begged a girl before and I will never beg a girl to stay. So if this is what you want to do then cool." I said then walked off.

When I thought about it... I did nothing wrong. She's angry for no reason. She wants girlfriend treatment but she ain't my girl.

Look how easy it was for her to go on a date.

I almost lost myself for a second. But I'm back. I'm not meant to be tied down. That's just not in me. That's not my style. I tried and look where it got me?

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