24. Javon

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"So you can see why this is so important can't you Mr Harrison?"

I stood there as I looked at the head of this GP surgery talking to me about everything that's been going on with me getting prescriptions wrong and cancelling appointments.

"Yes, yes I can. I assure you I just had a bad week or two, I'm much better now."

"Whether that's true or not we have decided to bring in another doctor. They are part time but it will lighten up the load for you. We don't doubt that you are a great doctor. But everyone makes mistakes and gets confused. We've now found a solution to the problem. It's a good thing it was reported by one of your staff and not a patient or else we would have had to look into some means of suspension whilst investigating. But as I said, I believe it was a one off and now with this part time doctor the workload won't be as much." The head of our GP said to me.

"Thank you Mr Markland for being so understanding."

"It's okay. Just don't let it happen again or I'm going to have to come down very hard on you." He said before leaving.

As soon as he left Sarah came into my office.

"So? What happened? Why was he here?"

"You don't know?"

"Know? Why would I know?"

"You didn't report me?"

"Why would I report you?"

"I thought that too but I don't know who else could have got his number. Plus he said the staff member said they was worried about me."

"Aahhhh... ummm..."



I sighed.

"Go on..."

"She said she wanted to complain about the cleaners and how they wasn't doing a good job. So I gave her his number."

I laughed.

"This crazy bitch is out here to ruin me and I really do not know why!!"

"She's obsessed! She asks me why I lock my computer whenever I leave it. I told her there's confidential stuff on there between patient and doctor plus all the other stuff I have to do as reception manager. She didn't like that but it's the truth and there is nothing she can do about it."

"Since you have taken over and I personally gave the patients the number that calls your main desk phone everything has been back to normal. I tell them to go to you only for appointments and anything to do with prescriptions enquiries if I'm unavailable."

"I'm so sorry you're going through this. As soon as we can find another temp receptionist she will be gone. I promise you. We just can't afford to get rid of her."

"I know I know. I can't even go home and tell my wife about it because she's annoyed she's still here. So I have to act like everything's okay. When it's not. She's actually tried to mess with my career! I won't stand for this. As soon as I can find proof about what she's doing, catch her in the act. Her ass will be gone. I have had enough." I said to Sarah before starting my day.

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