52. Ethan

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It's a routine that I have my boys most weekends. This weekend they planned for me to have them and then out of nowhere they all decided to change their mind.

I was pissed off for many reasons. One - I make plans for when my kids come around. On this occasion I was taking them science museum. Two - I actually miss my boys. Not having them with me everyday really bothers me. Three - if I cancelled on them I would be the bad father yet here they are; able to cancel on me. Last but not least ... Four - they most probably planned this. Ever since I told Zaria I wasn't interested in being with her she been acting up and being best buddies with Tamara and Whitney.

I don't really care what they do. As long as my boys get to see each other whether it's because of me or them. That's all that matters.

My phone rang and it was Michaela.

"Hey." I said dryly when she answered.

"Uh oh. What's wrong?" She asked.

"Was meant to have my boys. But my plans got cancelled and I don't have them."


"What is awww?"

"I don't think I know anyone who would be upset like you are. It's sweet."


"Yeah. Look, what can I do to cheer you up? Wanna go out? I could let you win at bowling." She teased.

"You're funny. I'm not really in the mood to go out but if you want to come over I'll order some food and we can chill."

"Okay cool. I'll be there in an hour or so."


I smiled. Since the time in the office; me and Kayla haven't really spoken much. Other than text. We had just been busy. She said I was wrong for exciting her like that. She had no idea what I wanted to do to her but I'm also a tease. I'll have her begging me before I give in.

I ordered some Thai food and she came the same time as the delivery man.

"Great timing."

"Isn't it just."

We ate in silence whilst watching a film. I liked that. We didn't have to speak and it didn't feel awkward or anything like that. Once finished she laid her head on my lap. Again it didn't feel weird. What was weird was how comfortable we was around each other.

I started stroking her hair. I went from stroking her hair to cupping her breast. She didn't stop me as I played with her nipples. I moved down with my other hand to her trousers. Lucky for me she was wearing jogging bottoms so I slid my hand in and started playing with her clit. She laid there looking so relaxed as my hands roamed her body.

Small moans could be heard coming from her mouth as I played with her now soaking vagina.

I pulled her in to kiss me and from then it was on. We was pulling at each other's clothes and in next to no time we was both naked looking at each other's body.

She got on her knees and started sucking my dick. Just the warm feeling of her mouth had my manhood wake up instantly. Her gag reflex was like no other. She hummed, sucked, slurped on my shaft. Using her tongue to tease me I had had enough. I made her lay down whilst I went to work on her clit.

"Oh shit! Yes!" She moans.

It wasn't long until she was shaking uncontrollably. But I don't stop there. I lift her up and slide into her making us both moan.

"Shit." I said.

Michaela felts so good. She was so tight. I thrusted in her as she moans in my ear. Michaela has her arms wrapped around me as she holds me tight. I'm slamming into her harder and faster making us both moan. I switch it up and take my time. Slow and deep strokes. It's then I feel an even deeper connection with her and I know she feels it too.

"Go faster." She whispers.

I do as I'm told and she starts moaning.

"Oh I'm going to cum." She says.

"Mmmm... me too." I said.

I pick up pace even more as I have her up against the wall; thrusting in her I feel myself stiffening up. I know what time it is and I lose all control as my body starts shaking I feel hers shaking too. We climax together.

As weak as I feel I have Michaela in my arms. I can't drop like I want to so I carry her to my room. Once there we both slump on my bed.

"Oh you're a beast." She says.

"Why thank you." I said making her laugh.

For the rest of the night me and Michaela went round after round after round. Her stamina was built like mine and I wasn't surprised. All I knew was now I have her I had no intention of letting her go.

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