16. Javon

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So I had managed to persuade Paige to not come to my place of work and cause an uproar. Alana had actually been behaving and I just assumed her little phase had come and gone.

There was a knock at my door and in walked in my wife.

"Oh hello Mrs Harrison. To what do I owe this visit?"

"Well.. you forgot your lunch and I knew you would be hungry."

"Oh yes! I was moaning that I was going to have to get something to eat. Thanks babe."

"No problem... one more thing... I need a checkover... Doctor." Paige said as she opened her coat to reveal her wearing nothing underneath.

See. This is why she's my wife. She always does things like this. Even with her bump she looked good. The spice in our relationship never dies. It's forever live and kicking.

"Oh yeah? Well I can see there are definitely certain areas that need tending to." I said as I pulled her over to me.

Just as I was about to have some fun there was a knock at my door followed by it opening. I quickly made sure Paige wasn't exposed by wrapping her up. She giggled.

"Oh. Sorry. The girls are getting food and I came to see if you wanted. Didn't know you had company." Alana said with attitude.

"It's okay Alana.. my wife brought me food."

"Yeah... his WIFE."

"Wife? You didn't say you had a wife..." she said.

My jaw dropped open.

How could she lie like that?

Paige laughed.

"Yes he did. I don't get denied boo. I know all about you and your thirsty ass. But let me tell you something. Don't fuck with what's not yours."

"Is that a threat?"

"Take it however you want to. I've warned you. Don't let there be a next time because if there is... there will be no talking."

"You sounding real insecure right now. If this man is your husband and is faithful then you shouldn't have to be doing all this talking you're doing."

Paige did her crazy laugh and I knew that this could end up ending badly.

"You've never been loved before have you? You couldn't have. You took my husbands kindness as he was interested in you. You're pathetic. All you know to do is make up lies. I kind of pity you. Because you wish you could have what we got but you don't. My husband may be the man of the relationship but I'm the crazy one that will fuck you up. Now MOVE!!" Paige said pushing Alana outside and locking the door.

I just sat there waiting for her to go off on me.

"She has to go. Sack her. Because I'll go to jail. I can see the persistency in her eyes. She's going to be a problem! Get. Rid. Of. Her. Javon. Don't let me have to tell you again!"

"Yes babe. Now where was we?"

"No. She's pissed me off, I don't want sex. I'm going home. See you later." She said and left.

I punched and kicked the air furious I wasn't getting no action. I stormed into the office.

"Alana.. my room... NOW!" I said walking off.

"Yes doctor?" She said with a smile.

"Don't yes doctor me! What the fuck was that? Acting like you didn't know I was married after?!"

"You're wife is a loose cannon. You deserve better. I can give you better."

"What? Listen, I don't want you. I'm not interested in you. I'm happily married so BACK OFF!!"

"That's what you say now doctor... but we shall see." She said as she winked and walked off.

I couldn't believe how brazen she was being. I had to do something about this. It was really bothering me so I emailed Sarah to come to my room.

"Hey Doc! What's up?"

"We need to talk" I said to her as she sat down...

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