54. Aaron

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3 Months Later

Yesterday I spent my first Christmas alone. Well my first Christmas since me and Gianna got together. Was a quiet one but I didn't mind. Javon and Ethan invited me around but I declined. I didn't want to impose and I didn't want to Envy what they have and I don't.

I'm 30 with no partner, no children, no parents, no family. Yeah, I have the house and car I wanted and the job I wanted but what's all of that with no one to share it with?

My phone went off and I just knew it was Amber. She had been bugging me saying she has a present she wants to give me.

I knew sleeping with her again would have come back to bite me in the ass. I told her to come through anyway. I didn't want to have to tell her over the phone that, that time was a one off and I was in my feelings. I think to her face would soften the blow.

When my doorbell rang I sighed a heavy sigh and downed a shot of Brandy to ready myself for this explosion after I tell Amber the truth.

"Hey! Merry Christmas." She said all cheerfully.

"It's Boxing Day."

"Yes I know duh! But it's still the Christmas period!"

"Look Amber we need to talk."

"Yes. You are indeed right. That's why I'm here. But first! Open your gift!" She said as she handed me an envelope.

I opened it. Looked at Amber and then back at what was in the envelope.

An ultrasound scan?

"Erm.. Amber?"

"You're going to be a father!" She said as if I was meant to be happy.

"You're pregnant?"

"Shit, you're slow. Yes!"

"And I'm assuming you think I'm the father?"

"Assuming? Nah, there's no assuming. I KNOW you are the father."

I rubbed my face with my hands.

This cannot be happening to me!

"Didn't we use condoms?"

"You hardly ever use them. You're usually too impatient. Plus that time I came over you was drunk as hell. We had sex so many times it's not a surprise you knocked me up!"

"We did?"

I couldn't remember that day after coming home and getting drunk.

Damn Aaron!

"Well... erm... are you going to keep it?"

"It? IT? It's a baby Aaron! And yes I am!"

"But we're not even together! We're not married!"

"Ohhhh you one of those! Want to be married first then have kids?"


"Then you should have kept your dick in your pants if that's the case!" She said.

She had a point.

"Look, I don't see us getting married; not anytime soon anyway, but we could give us a go." And said trying to have a more softer approach.

"Look, Amber... being with you was never and option. You was a REBOUND!!"

"Yeah and now this REBOUND has your baby! Look, you may have these beliefs or preferences but let's look at facts. You ain't getting any younger! You ain't got your fiancé around! You are going to be a father! I'm not getting rid! So all these rules and shit don't mean shit when reality is, I'm pregnant and we ain't together let alone married so now what?"

"Now nothing. Don't think because you have a baby it means I'll be with you."

"You think I trapped you init? NEWSFLASH!! You. Called. Me! It's always YOU calling me. But I'm just some bitch. Some rebound. You know what? I did what I had to and I came to tell you I'm pregnant. You want to be involved then go ahead. You don't then that's on you. I thought we could have at least been cordial but I guess not. I deserve better. I guess I won't be getting that from you. I'll let you know about hospital days and when the baby's due. Everything else, down to you." She said as she left.

Today I saw a different side to Amber. The real Amber. Funnily enough I liked it. As I sat and looked at the baby scan I couldn't help but smile.

I'm going to be a father.

I decided I would reach out to Amber. After all she is carrying my child and will be the mother to our baby. I would help out during her pregnancy and definitely after.

Who knows, if she keeps up this real persona maybe just maybe we could give things a go.

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