80. Aaron

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The Christmas holiday was great. I was sad to be back. But it was exactly what we all needed. It brought us all close together and as you know I don't have no family; but everyone made me feel like I was a part of theirs. Dimitri parents always looked out for me, same with Ethan's mum.

It made me want more children and to build a home back home in St. Lucia.

Who would have thought it? From going to annual holidays with the lads to now thinking of building homes to go back to and to have something to leave your children with.

Speaking of children I definitely wanted more. I was hoping I had put in enough work over the holidays to be hearing some good news in the next few weeks!

"Home sweet home." Amber said once we arrived.

"Glad to be back?"

"I am you know. Those mosquitoes love me too much!" She said.

"It's not just me who knows how sweet you taste." I said.

"Oh stop it!" She said laughing.


"You know what!"

I started laughing.

"So... I've been thinking, as you know marriage means a lot to me. But it's clear marriage before kids was never destined for me. So I actually want more kids, I want them to be involved in the wedding. What do you think?"

"Marriage is a big commitment so I'm glad that you never decided just because everyone is married and proposing that you should too. I'm happy to wait. When it's OUR time we will know. As for the children, I'm here for it. I want six."


"Yeah. I was an only child, so were you. Our kids will never have aunts or uncles - well not biologically. In this day and age it don't really matter as sometimes friends do more for you than family. However, I want Amari to have brothers and sisters."

"Where have you been all my life?" I said to her.

The baby monitor went off so I went upstairs to check on Amari when the doorbell rang. Once Amari was sleeping again I went back downstairs.

"Babe who was at... the... door?" I said as I looked at Amber then at the baby pram with a small suitcase. "What the?" I said.

"You wouldn't guess what?" She said with a chuckle which I didn't know if it was a good chuckle or a bad chuckle as she handed me over a letter.

I read the letter:

Okay so... I want to start this off by saying I'm sorry for everything I've put you through and I'm also sorry for what I'm about to do.
You see... when I came to see you I had just expected you to be single and for there to have been no one else. But I was wrong. When I saw how you looked at her and how much you despised me; I knew I had lost you. I said I was going to fight for you but I couldn't compete with a woman that made you happy and I definitely couldn't compete with you having a son. Something you always wanted. So I went back to my ex. As soon as he saw Gabriella he said that wasn't his daughter. I was so hurt. He said he wasn't trying to be rude or hurt me but he just knew. Told me to take a test. So I did... turns out he was right. He isn't Gabriella's father. I only ever slept with two people. A part of me felt like she was yours but I thought that was impossible. I guess I should have listened to that feeling. I know you will never forgive me for all this. I know you're happy right now and I'm not trying to put a spanner in the works; but I can't do this. I thought I really wanted a child but turns out I didn't. Please take care of your daughter. She is your daughter. Her birthday is February 1st, so she will be one soon. I'm pretty sure you and your girlfriend will make great parents to Gabriella - you can change her name by the way. Again, I'm sorry for everything I've put you through. But remember, this little girl has done you nothing. Love her like you love your son.

Sorry again.

It's very rare when I'm lost for words. But this here has me absolutely gobsmacked!

This baby is mine?


"She's right..." Amber said.


"If that is your daughter, she is not to blame."

"You wouldn't mind?"

"It's got me feeling a way, yes. However, this was before me and you. She was your partner almost wife. It's not practical, but we can make this work."

"We can?"

"Yeah! You said you wanted more kids didn't you?"

"Yeah... but not like this!!"

"So what we going to do? Put her back outside? I'm pretty sure her mother isn't outside anymore. We can make this break us or make this make us stronger. I don't know about you but I definitely ain't going to let it break us."

"Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"If I wasn't what would you do? Put out a baby because I wasn't happy?"

"No, of course not."

"Well then. We'll be fine. We just need to hope she's not allergic to anything. Doesn't seem like she left any doctors information." Amber said as she looked through the small suitcase.

"I can't believe this."

"Well you better get to believing. Look, it's going to be okay. First thing tomorrow we'll go and take the test."


"Yeah. It's one thing for her to drop your baby on your door step. But if this isn't your baby, she will have to go back to her mother or whoever."

"Right right, of course."

I looked at the little girl and she looked just like Amari but darker. There was no doubt this was my daughter.

I couldn't believe I had missed almost a whole year. My blood boiled. Honestly, Gianna knew it was best she didn't show her face because only god knows what I would have done.

How could she not know?

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