61. Aaron

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February 14th.❤️

I had just finished up with a client when I received an email from my boss, saying he needed to have a word with me. I made my way to the office and was kind of surprised to see Amber there.

"Hey Phil, I got your email. Is this a bad time? I can come back."

"No. Please, have a seat."

I did as I was told.

"Now, I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have to spell it out. But yet here I am having to do so. Unless, you lot knew each other before hand there shouldn't be relationships forming within this company. Now, as it's clearly too late..." he says as he looks at Ambers stomach. "I shan't be reprimanding any of you. Just keep your personal affairs just that. Personal. Away from work. Outside work hours. Aaron, you can go now, I still need to talk to Amber."

I nodded and then I left.

I was as angry as a hippo with a hernia!

Why is Amber opening her big mouth?!

I waited for her to be finished in Phil's office before grabbing her into mine.

"What the hell?!" Amber said as I made her stumble into my office.

"Why'd you have to open your big mouth?!" I said.

"Well I don't know about you but it's my duty to inform my boss!"

"So why the hell did you have to mention me!"

"Is it a crime?!"


"Psshh. Look, all you know to do is give me a headache. I'd rather not talk to you. It's not my fault he called you in! I didn't expect him to!"

"Yeah whatever! You want the whole world to know I'm your child's father!"

"The whole world?!! Really? Who the hell are you? You are nobody! Don't forget! I don't know what the hell I saw in you. You're actually a jerk."

"Yeah and you're a girl who loves to fuck friends!"

She started laughing.

"This again?! You know what? FUCK YOU AARON!! I have done nothing wrong other than sleep with you. To think... I'm going to have to put up with you, at least until this baby turns 18. What a prison sentence!!" She said before walking out of my office.

The rest of the day went surprisingly fast which I would have preferred it not to. It was Valentine's Day and I was in no rush to go home and sit in doors on my own this Friday evening.

I grabbed some Chinese and a few beers before going inside. I was about to contact the guys then remembered they would most probably all be occupied.

Time really was going slow. It was 10pm and I felt like it was 1am. I was more than ready to sleep.

My phone and iPad started going off and I saw I had a FaceTime call. It was Gianna. I answered.

"Hey G." I said when the call connected.

"Hi Aaron. Happy Valentine's Day." She said looking really tired.

"Yeah. That. Why you look like you just woke up? Or are you about to go bed?"

"Bed? Aaron it's 6pm over here."

"Oh yeah. I forget there's a time difference. So why you looking so tired?"

"Because I am. I haven't been getting much sleep with Gabby keeping me up."


"Yeah... Gabby is my daughter. I had her two weeks ago." She said.

"Oh okay. Congrats."


"So shouldn't you be getting some rest? I'm assuming she's sleeping?"

"Yeah she is. You're right I should."

"Okay well thanks for the call. I'm going to head off to the gym now. I guess I'll talk to you another time?"

"Oh. Erm.. yeah okay. Bye Arron."

"Bye G." I said before ending the call.

FaceTime with G wasn't un normal. I just didn't feel like talking. Especially when she mentioned her child being born.

As much as we're cool now, the fact still remains that her infidelities is the reason she's a single mother now. I don't feel sorry for her. She made her decision. She's gotta live with it.

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