8. Javon

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As I pulled up to the doctors surgery I was quite pleased to be back at work. Being a doctor is so rewarding. I love helping people. What I'm even more happier about is another doctor has left and handed his patients over to me.

So a new pay rise was an additional thing for me to be happy about.

As I stepped into the building I went into the reception office to say hi to the ladies and pick up any post I may have had.

"Hey girls, how's it going?"

"Hey J! Welcome back. You are going to be rushed off your feet. With Doctor Khans patients now becoming yours you will definitely have to stick to 10 minutes, 20 max with your appointments." Sarah the head receptionist said.

"Look, I shan't rush my job. Especially as majority of the patients are elderly. I'll do my best."

"Okay, well Anne has gone on maternity leave so this is your temp receptionist, Alana." Sarah said to me.

I looked over and saw my temp receptionist. She seemed shy.

"Hello nice to meet you. I'm Dr Harrison. Don't be shy. The girls are lovely and I don't bite. Not unless you mess up my appointments, then maybe I will." I said laughing and the other girls laughed too.

Alana just smiled.

"Well, I'll be in my office. Let me know when my first patient arrives. Sarah will help you with anything you are not sure on." I said to her as I made my way to my office.

Sarah wasn't kidding when she said I would have to keep my appointments short. I looked at the appointments I had for today and wondered if taking on Dr Khans patients was a good idea. He never had many but it seems like my workload has quadrupled.

One thing about having so many patients is the day goes ever so quickly. Before I knew it it was half six and time for me to leave.

Just as I was leaving, I saw the new girl outside on the phone. She seemed to be having a heated argument and I'm pretty sure she was crying.

"So how the hell am I meant to get home? How could you do this! I need my car Ryan!" I heard her say as I walked to my car.

Oh dear. I thought to myself as I jumped in my car. As I was about to drive off I saw her sitting on the wall and she looked very distraught. I wound my window down.

"Hey.. Alana right? You okay?"

"Oh. Hi Doctor. Yeah I'm fine. I'm okay."

"You sure? You don't look it."

"I just... had an argument with my boyfriend. He took my car and I have no way of getting home."

"Where do you live?"

"Balham, Bedford hill."

"You want a lift? I'm going that way."

"You sure?"

"Yeah sure. Jump in." I said.

I'm a very kind person. I do things out of the goodness of my heart and with no need of wanting nothing in return. Another reason I became a doctor. I like to be able to help those in need.

The car journey was a silent one but I expected it to be. This is why I'm grateful for my wife. There's no way I would take her car or she would take mine. This poor girl seemed very distraught over her boyfriends actions.

"Just over here." She said as we arrived to her house. "Thank you. I don't know what I would have done, if you never offered to drop me home."

"No problem. You should contact the police if he has taken your car though."

"Yeah. I will.. listen, erm... do you want to come up? For a coffee? I don't know how else to repay you." She said.

"Repay me? Nah, it's cool. I was going home this way anyway."

"Oh. Right. Thanks again." She said with a smile, this time she put her hand on my hand.

"Erm... what you doing?"

"I just want to repay you."

"There you go with this repay me thing. Look, I dropped you home, it's no big deal. You don't need to repay me. I don't want you to repay me. Besides, I'm a happily married man with a crazy... and I mean very crazy and territorial wife. So, this here, whatever you're thinking. Not happening."

"Okay. See you tomorrow doctor." She said with a wink and a smile before leaving my car.

As I drove home I pray that this was just a one off and that she was just confused and took my good gesture as something else which it wasn't. Because I did not have time for this. I wasn't joking when I said I have a crazy and territorial wife.

Paige is insane. I decided not to tell Paige about today's incident. Simply because I knew Paige's temper and I knew her answer to everything was one thing and one thing only...

... Fight.

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