26. Dimitri

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It was the weekend and I was enjoying the fact I had no work. That was shortly lived when my phone started ringing.

Don't answer it Dimitri... DON'T!!

"Hello..." I answered dryly.

"So you tell me that you don't take girls out. It's not what you do.. yet I'm hearing through the grapevine that you took some girl out! Who is this bitch?!" Roxanne said somewhat heated.

"Roxanne... what have I told you about calling my phone and questioning me. Seeing as you want to be doing questions and answers; answer this for me. Are you my girl?"


"Don't go silent now, your big mouth was talking loads just a minute ago. Go on, answer my question."

"Fuck you Dimitri!"

"Yeah, that's always your answer when you know you can't say anything."

"Continue playing games Dimitri. You think a new girl can come along and take my rightful spot? I've been fighting these hoes and I'll keep fighting. Because deep down I know you know, nobody has you like I do."

I laughed.

"You have lost the plot. Don't fight for me. Please don't. If you get hurt I don't want to be the reason behind it. Look, it's my day to rest and not be nagged so your time is up. Goodbye." I said before hanging up.

My phone rang again.

"What man?"

"Nigga.. is who you talking to?" Krystal said making me laugh.

"Oh my bad! Thought you was someone else. What's up?"

"Nothing! I'm in jail and I need a big strong officer to keep me in check!" She says.

I smile.

"Oh you need an officer?"

"Yep! A big strong one. You know any?"

"I think I do. He goes by the name of Officer Campbell."

"Mmm.. he sure does sound strong."

"Okay ma'am, your phone time is over. Officer Campbell will be with you shortly."

"Bye officer." She said.

Krystals imagination was always creating something new in her head for us to do. I decided to pack some stuff and head off to hers. Hadn't seen her since she demanded I see her last time when I worked out of London. So I was actually looking forward to this.

Just as I left my house who was coming to mine? Roxanne.

Oh lord.

"Where you going?" Roxanne asked.

"So I tell you your time is up so you decide to come and nag me in person?" I say to her.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"You know what!"

There were tears in her eyes and if there was one thing I hated was seeing girls cry.

"Argh! Why are you crying?"

"I'm not!" She said and tried to look up as if the tears wouldn't fall.

"Roxanne, ive told you AND Sabrina, you ain't my girlfriend and you ain't going to be! Ever. I said this before and I'll keep saying this. Don't think sex is going to keep me because it isn't. You say you are cool for casual sex yet here you are crying as if I've hurt you."

"You have!"


"You know how I feel Dimitri!"

"Yes, and this is why I said that you ain't up for this and what did you do? YOU came back. I said no and you brought Sabrina to have a threesome! The girl you beef! Because you thought that would have got you extra points."

"You're a bastard! I don't know why I love you."

"See! This is it. It doesn't matter what I say, what I do. You reckon you love me! What do you love? What do you know about me? Have you met my mother? Have I met yours? Have we spoken about a future? I'm constantly telling you, you ain't my girl and never will be; yet here you are telling me you don't know why you love me. Look, I may be a lot of things but if there is one thing you can't call me is a liar. I've always told you the truth. You just thought you would be the one to change me. You can't change me. Only I can. Now, I've got somewhere to be." I said as I walked to my car.

"You will NOT, get away with this. I promise you." She said as she walked off.

As much as I said I would want to keep her and Sabrina around it was clear it was doing them no good. It was time to let them go.

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